Can Doomfist Just NOT Knock People Back?

Why do all of his moves need to knock people around? Why can’t he just deal damage with them, and nothing else?

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That’s the point of Doomfist. He deals great damage and CCs non stop.


Why does Reinhardt have to push people with him while charging? Why can’t he just deal damage.


Without knockbacks and movement, we’d just have WoW all over again. Life is more than just a lifebar.



Also people don’t see that without CC, tanks would be insanely overpowered in this game. Most of them do comparable, if not more dps than a lot of the actual dps heroes and they have more health. The only thing that balances them is the fact that their big hit box is easy to hit with things like RP and other CC/stun moves.

I never got into WoW myself, but the usual complaint I hear from (former) WoW PvPers is that it’s just a giant pile of CC, which seems like the opposite of what you’re implying.

Their big hitbox is easy to hit with everything, not just CC/stun moves. Stuns, like everything, tend to hit tanks most often, since the tanks’ main job is to get in the way of things. Stunning a squishy to ensure their instantaneous death without reprieve is still generally more impactful.

but then he wouldn’t have combos

DPS characters aren’t supposed to have so much crowd control, it’s very unnatural. I don’t know what blizz was thinking there. That cc should be on a tank

Sure but also add in that most of them have shields so standard damage largely doesn’t affect them.

Then how do you knock people off the edge of map?

With Lucio-o-o… :stuck_out_tongue:

He needs it to line up shots and combos, also to deal wall damage.

Because that’s his kit. It gives him more to do than just deal damage.

It was a giant pile of standing around trying to make lifebars go away, with the occasional (read: VERY occasional) movement and the odd stun, which was really just pausing the lifebar depletion for some folks. Overwatch is much more movement-centric, so abilities that cause some sort of movement are actually much more relevant to this kind of game.

Why does every support have to press a button to heal, why can’t they just exist like Lucio.

I’d personally love if this game had less knockbacks, less spam, less healing and less shields, but we can’t always get what we wish for.

More on point, doomfist needs to be able to do that to act as a disruptor as he was intended.

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He’s stunned cc one shot really stunned stunned stunned stunned cc horrible to cc stun stun one shot stun play against cc stun

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I honestly don’t understand why his seismic slam has to send people in the air. Pointless and annoying.

It’d be nice if it stunned, like his fist.

To quote a fellow forum user;

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