Can confirm McCree is OP in MH

I got McCree in Mystery Heroes, and he’s very clearly overpowered. I was literally able to walk into enemy territory, ult 2 people, then kill 2 tanks and walk safely back into my team. It was even POTG. This game is clearly rewarding abusing McCree in arcade and he needs to be nerfed so I can’t style on people so hard

Can confirm McCree is over powered in Monster Hunter
[/quote] :thinking:


I’m going to flash fan you punk

McCree is OP even in practice range.

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although I agree Mccree is OP

Using MH isnt the best way to determine balance

Now thats what im talking about!

:gun: Ofcourse it is


Not as OP as he is in the hero gallery. It’s a gallery, and McCree has a freaking six shooter!

What do you mean, it’s perfectly reasonable and not at all a joke

To which I’ll say, arcade modes are like mario party games or custom games in overwatch. Imbalance brings short term fun, and long term frustration.


We’re you trying to say


Most OP heroes in MH? Based on 1300 hrs+ of MH

In no particular order:

Hog, Moira, Mei, Sigma

Now if you throw in hero stacks which is already game breaking enough add to those above (which stacked are just monstrous) the following:

Mercy, symmetra, Brig, soldier, torb, Zarya, pharah, dva, bastion, Orisas, tracer, sombra

The rest are also bad stacked but those above are particularly bad

Really just get rid of the stacking LOL