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Depends on your preference, some people like to have a dot covering what they are aiming, some people like having empty space so they can see what they’re aiming at instead of covering it.
Some people track better with a circle, some a cross hair.
Personally I like having a small cross hair with a small center gap, since making that change I personally have improved. You just gotta find something that works for you
Depends on the person. Hell, even depends on the mood I guess. I swap between dot and crosshair a lot.
I mean, obviously there are cross hairs that will lower accuracy, so the opposite has to be true by default xD Generally, you just want something smaller and out of the way. My preference is a very small green ring
But it depends on what reticle is best for you. There is no “best” one overall, but the right one for you can definitely help.
It really depends on your preference. I like having a cross hair on my hitscans, but on Torb Orisa and Lucio I have a circle with a crosshair, with the circle being the aproximate size of the projectile as it leaves the gun. Tracer and Doom fist both have a dot so I can see what I’m doing, and since I don’t really play most of the heroes, a lot of them are still on default but that works for me.
I think the one I use is called short crosshair or something… Green color, rather thick… Use the same one on all characters.
It’s all personal preference TBF, kinda like with sensitivities… It’s mostly a matter of finding what “feels” the best and getting used to it.
Literally as long as you see your crosshair and it doesn’t block too much of what you’re targeting, it should be fine.
It all comes down to preference. Though I’ve experienced people using the aimbot reticle have much better aim, for some reason.
No, its personal preference. I personally like an extremely small cross-hair.
Aiming isn’t focusing on putting your cross-hair on something, its focusing on the target and where they are going.
Unless you’re talking about a gigantic dot, then thats bad for everyone
I prefer a small green cross-hair, because the first FPS I played competitively was CS 1.6, where that was the default.
Except on Reaper, D.Va, and Roadhog I use a big circle, because the small crosshair doesn’t fit their shots.
Liking the responses
The thing is with me, whenever I swap to a reticle design that I dont really like I land crazy headshots, usually within the first few moments (this one is shadder’s reticle).
Do you guys think it’s just a placebo effect or the crosshair?
The choice of reticle is mostly a personal preference, but it can actually have a pretty noticeable effect on how you perform! There really isn’t a singular “right” way to go.
I, for instance, use that gigantic circle + crosshairs reticle for McCree. It helps me a lot, but a lot of people tend to see a giant reticle as annoying and unnecessary. So it’s up to you!
I have seen some good players with some strange crosshairs. Pine is one of them. EvilToaster also used a memey square crosshair (no idea how he did that one). I think it depends on the person, if it even affects them depends on the person. If you’re not finding one to be better than others, maybe you lack a real preference?
For me, I’m still relatively new to shooter games, especially on PC, so I like something visible so I don’t lose track of where I’m aiming in the chaos. I like red because it stands out, and I like a + sort of crosshair. I prefer a circle crosshair if there’s splash damage, like for pharah a circle seems better to me for some reason
^ This.
I hate to keep bringing this up in every single conversation, but it’s relevant, so … I have Nystagmus (involuntary eye movement), so I can’t really focus on a reticle anyway. Meaning, like, I never actually have the visual response time to carefully aim, making sure my reticle is on the opponent’s head.
So, to that end, I just need something that’s easy to spot to basically identify the center of the screen. But also something that’s not so in the way that I miss something.
Could probably play just as effectively with no crosshair, but it’s nice to be able to “steady” yourself, and be like “Oh, ok, that’s the center where I should kinda be aiming towards.”
So I use a small green dot with a mildly transparent circle around it. Kind of gives off the illusion that the dot is glowing. Somehow makes it more noticeable in a pinch.
I’ve tried using other colors, but like 90% of the playerbase, I think green just stands out more in most environments.
But to answer the general question … yeah, I can see reticle choice being a factor in performance.
I’ve always used a red dot sight. just slightly opaque, but im really digging how the green stands out like that. thanks for posting this pic!!! gonna give this a try
I run a small purple dot (same as TF2 ironically) and that works fine for me, its there and can be seen its just not a hassle for me… helps when i do play other characters as well
As a person whom plays lots of hours on Widow. Reticle choice matters and here is a bigger shocker…
Reticle COLOR.
Professional optics have multi-color scopes which you can adjust to the situation. I have want them on overwatch to have a Hot-key for this type of feature. The military optics such as the ACOGs and Holographic sites have this adjustment on one of the turrets built onto the scope.
In Overwatch I am ALWAYS in my menu changing reticle color based upon the environment I operate in with her. If there are maps with lots of Greens such as junker town, i NEVER run a Green dot, and even then, Yellow may not work for it. While I instead use Yellow strictly for King’s Row. The most difficult one is LiJang tower, where maybe WHITE is the only color that works. It’s lot of dark features in the game.