Can Blizzard make a forum rule where we can't talk about politics?

I’m getting WW2 vibes.

People will show up to the bank in these. And we’re still drive-up only lol

that Florida woman was so brave, exposing that doctor to praying to Mei.


The Devil’s Crimes also sounds like a great name for a metal band.

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Yeah, I feel that slightly, but I’m not much a conspiracy theorist, whatever they’re doing behind there, I know it must be helping them, because if I thought they actually cared about the causes they championed something would be happening. They had the majority and did nothing with it. Upset me abit. Made me lose faith that any of them are actually in there for US. they will say they are for you, collect what you had to offer and leave you high and dry. And that repeating thing with democrats and republicans, but the democratic one to me is THE MOST EGREGIOUS. They said they cared and that they were fighting for us. Watching their communities and towns just collapse bit by bit, and the fact that these districts seem to breed more racist crime than other places. I’m not a conspiracy nut, but I’m pretty sure they don’t care about any of us. And that has me with no faith in them. No matter what they say I just can’t believe it when they run things the way they do, their words are on fire speaking loudly, but the actions are sadly drowning out their words to a whimper that looks like hypocrisy.

I’d rather see a full new wave of politicians, than cast a vote either way now.

The narrative didn’t work before, people just weren’t listening before because things were good enough for them to remain complacent. It’s at least now got their attention, but it also came from hate and is acted out as hate, and will therefore only breed MORE HATE. At the trajectory were on now we are walking backwards through time, and becoming worse racists. I believe these people will make things worse, ONLY worse. They’re too engaged in hating one another to come together, and things quickly became about race again, do you see how we are falling backwards?

Honestly, the republicans are a safer bet for immediate safety to at least get through this weird mucked up timeline, but on principle I’d rather not choose either and die than choose one of those “things”.

#vape lives matter…

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Here in the UK masks have now been made to mandatory for public transport it is complete insanity I would rather they continue with the lockdown then force those of us who do go on public transport to have to wear masks

Oh and respect to that woman even though I don’t just agree with the religious stuff but I do think that woman has a good point it is all complete insanity

Political topics, usually.

source on that

and this too

Do they know “coronavirus” in general has been a thing or do they think that Lysol wipes somehow knew that it was coming years ahead of time since they’ve listed that as a type of virus they kill forever

Is your internet broken? Look it up.

debatable i tried finding a source on covid 19 being patented and only found a fact check saying that it was false and that it was a patent on SARS another strand of covid


I did i couldnt find what you found so im asking you to back up your claims as i assume you know where the sources are as you found them yourself

Remember each faction had a promise that will clear up something. Has anything been done during these past 2 decades? Not much, but more chaos and confusing. However in the mix society has been evolving mentally to the point politician have to find new words to keep their audience interested or else they can see through the plotting.

We’re not falling backwards, but actually confronting things that has been holding this country back for a long time. Some stuff are becoming irrelevant and more exposed hence why we see how of those toxic crowds make a loud noise. The internet practically became a double edge sword bringing in pros and cons to countries. The main problem is that laws aren’t updated to modern times right now.

They’re still stuck in the 2000s like majority of this country.

From what I can gather is that the dems has been losing their power lately and members being converted to the Republicans. Republicans minus Trump seem to be seeing what’s been happening so far in this country, but due to social media people can’t see that. I don’t like either side, but I know who has more appeal than the other on logical perspective.

What exactly gets classified as politics though? Modern civic events? Current international happenings? Charity drives for causes? LGBTQ representation? Women as characters in video games? What about how minorities are treated within video game companies or the internal culture in a company?

Someone else has already said it, but it’s worth restating: The defining of what is political and what is not is an inherently political act with a political agenda behind it.

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I did my own digging just then, apparently the patent was given in april 2019 for older strains of covid treatment and update Jan 2020 claims it’s effective for covid 19. But it was just claims on a previously patented medicine for treating coronavirus?

With all the false information out there, it’s hard to think there is a conspiracy, because of the likelihood there are just nuts people abroad being nuts. But with all the false information, perfect cover for a conspiracy eh? Everything would be discredited along with those claims about a conspiracy happening.

There are many different strains and types of coronaviruses. COVID-19 is a unique strain that requires testing and of course, scientists across the globe will be cross checking previous medications, treatments and vaccines for other types of Coronaviruses, which again, is a broad field including everything from the common cold (with a relatively low fatality rate) to MERS and SARS, which have much higher fatality rates.

I am loathe to believe any ‘conspiracy theories’ about the virus in this age of disinformation. People are alive who genuinely think the moon isn’t real and the earth is flat, there’s a wacky theory that it’s somehow cellphone towers that cause covid-19.

Rather than assuming the worst about the global scientific and health community, think about how quickly a conspiracy that big would fall apart if it was real. In order to make it work, every single medical professional in the world would have to be in on it, and I find that pretty hard to believe, that every single scientist, doctor and nurse are in on a conspiracy to pretend that something isn’t treatable when it was. At the very least, there’d be at least a few ‘whistleblowers,’ in the community that were trying to genuinely help people. Instead, the people spreading the disinformation are usually people that don’t trust medicine to begin with.

Both presidents… is this a typo or are you in Venezuela etc…? :thinking:

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I feel like the amount of people we condition with this is just the next generation the klan would be proud of… We are creating problems faster than we are fixing any. And no questions are being asked or answered and our politicians who keep throwing gas on the fire aren’t opting for this conversation to even be had as “consorting with the enemy!”

This just breeds rage, we aren’t moving anything forward. We are setting people back. Not progressing towards a future that’s any good. It takes the mind of a people to move the bar, and you can move policy all you want, that will only influence the mind of the people, and people are finnicky beings. a group of people will see 10 different things in the same bit. And some will like dislike or not feel strongly about it. It’s about finding a balance. No one is working together, people are DIVIDED. Good job to whoever thought THAT was a good idea that would help to end mistreatment of people based on how they were born or what they grew to love. Nah now you’ve attatched everything else to that rocket sent it out with a big FU to the inverse - and that’s all thats been going out over the last few years. Everything is WE LOVE THIS AND WE HATE YOU!

Perfect idea to breed contempt for those things they love, so they can keep making you indebted to them as they “Champion your issues!” and also make sure that your issue will ALWAYS REMAIN AN ISSUE FOR YOU SO YOU ARE STUCK TO THEM. That’s all I see. It’s politics. And as usual, they don’t care about you one bit. Instead, you get treated like useful idiots and if you point it out, “WHITE SUPREMACIST I FOUND HIM HIDING HIS WHITE SUPREMACY.”. So they slap the ability to talk about it outta your hands - they don’t want you to talk about it. Because then you might actually solve it, and rallying VOTERS wouldn’t be so damn easy as how many of X are in the country and who do we pander to this time?.. Salt is flowing from me rn.

I just wish that politicians weren’t “Politicians”.
It just seems like a funny way of spelling “Gaslighters”.

americans love false equivalencies, its everywhere in our society. Here we have a bunch of research proving the working theory of evolution, and here’s an interpretation of a 2000 yo religion translated into english. We’re going to pretend that both should be given the same amount of respect in an argument even though one is clearly more based in reality than the other. Or the climate change debate. 99% of scientists say this is happening and we need to do something drastic about it, but this group of (mumble mumble fossil fuels execs) funded this research to say otherwise! Both are equal points to consider in spite of the fact that one side has decades of research and far more evidence behind them than the other.

I remember some dude (I think he was drunk) made a short thread asking for the devs not to make D.Va transgender because he likes her as a girl. There was everything from calling him a piece of expletive to “I hope you enjoy your permanent ban,” it was just a pigexpletive spanning hundreds of posts. All cause some guy is fantasizing about a fictitious girl and wants her to be straight to make it a realistic fantasy.

Overwatch is an awesome game with a community that’s not so awesome. A lot of my friends on forums still play Overwatch but refuse to come on forums. I can’t blame t hem.