Can Blizzard make a forum rule where we can't talk about politics?

I’d say just do it - but tbh, with the amount of untrue news around, the people flagging it should at least be somewhat qualified in knowing what is or isn’t harmful information. Seems like an oddly specific thing for moderation tho - but saying yes to that = the other crowd of dum dums also flagging what they think is false, next thing you know, 5G up in here.

I’m not embarrassed by it. Good luck with your vaccine.

I tried a mask on today and it made it incredibly difficult to breathe I have no idea how people would wear them for an entire day it was incredibly uncomfortable and quite frankly I would rather contract the virus then to be forced to wear that for a whole year

I made this post to stop talking about politics, what are y’all doing. :slightly_frowning_face:

like i said, by not wearing a mask you are infecting others, not yourself,

you are protected because other people, are wearing masks, and thus they cant infect you, but you can infect them

what did you expect…lol

you cant tell people to not do something and expect them to not do it

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Being the best that human beings can be.

The real question is if you’re comfortable with having a dozen other people you come in contact with catch it.

You realize vaccines aren’t just stuffing pus from infected lesions in your arm anymore right like we’re past smallpox

i try to keep my fingers still but man is my mind boggled

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you know you’ve ruffled some feathers when your post has almost the same amount of replies as views

I don’t care what it is. I don’t trust it or the people that want me to take it. That’s good enough for me.

Wait… are you anti-vacc?

have fun endangering those around you because of some big pharma anti scientific conspiracy i guess


In this instance, yes. I’m not touching this BS.

I know, but this serves as a good reason to what you asked for in your post, and also keeping it at the top of discussions thanks to lots of activity :stuck_out_tongue: I mean it literally highlights why this shouldn’t be a thing, as it is just inflammatory as all hell and doesn’t belong on a forum about the game, because the forum about the game just becomes watching people derail all the threads with a single remark of any hot buzzwords right now!

That, that is why I think this is succeeding more than you think, because it proves the point COMPLETELY.

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You act like phrasing things poorly, and genuinely wanting to do absurd things are the same.

Like why did the Whitehouse cut all the Coronavirus research money for the National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization?

Why tell his staff to deliberately slow down COVID testing, when USA has some of the least amount testing for any developed country.

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The worst part about it are those subtle words alone. It may bypass a lot who are blind to it, but those who are awake can see something scheming in the background.

Right now this country of ours is slowly changing. The same narrative is not working as much, but actually doing more damage on both sides confusing people. Will our country change for the worst? I am not sure, but expect more strict laws to be enforced. It could be for the better or the worst.

Just know who will provide better. Will it be Trump or Biden, but we already see how Biden is treated in his faction. I feel like they will backstab him asap once he gets in just to replace him.

You do. You’re naive.

but you are. You can’t even be rational because you’re too emotional on this without adding a insult. You can’t compete in a rational fashion like me so you will say more wrong things than right. As I said before you’re a child when it comes to these topics.

Not an act. Just a fact, but then again I can see things from both sides. You can’t. You’re inexperienced considering how you lash out a lot.

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after reading this thread, ive decided,

im going to the moon, who is coming with me? earth is ded

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This topic: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :fire: :biohazard: :boom:.

Me: :kissing: :popcorn:.

Free popcorn :popcorn:.

Yeah, I guess. Especially when the info is out there. Not sure why the virus has a patent, or why the vaccine has had a patent since last year. But go ahead, shoot up.