Can all 2CP Maps and the Gamemode be Reworked?

Hi, it me. I personally prefer 2CP to KOTH. While I’ve never really gelled with one or two of the 2CP maps, I like the game mode just fine.

2cp wouldnt be so stressful if the maps had more places to go through or flank… Look at hanamura… It is horrible when your tanks are afraid of going through the main gate. Also some maps like anubis has the defense spawn really close to the point, so the attacker team has to do teamkills to capture it.

I love Paris and I am sad that it gets reworked.
Paris is my favourite map

No, 2CP is my favorite.

Would you mind looking at the Point A part of hanamura? it’s really obnoxious to attack there due to only 1 way of going in

No I don’t agree to that, I personally enjoy 2CP very much.

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I think the 2 CP maps are the most well designed maps of all the game. Just look at Paris, Temple of Anubis and Horizon ! They are all so different, I really love all the effort put into these maps designs !

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I hate 2cp, specially when I get to fill a lost match after a long dps queue.
I wish I could select what game mode I wanna play.

"Everyone who doesn’t like what I like is just hopping on the bandwagon! :angry: "

That’s a nice strawman argument you got there. You seem extremely uncomfortable with the idea that people might have different opinions than you. How many people have you asked? Because I can tell you that I’ve seen plenty of valid reasons for people disliking 2CP. Hell, you can see it in some of the responses to this thread.

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We don’t all agree. I have no problem with 2CP. I personally believe that there are a significant amount of people who wouldn’t hate it if not for the fact that popular streamers say and repeat it over and over and over again.


Would you be willing to consider pulling support ults back in the direction of “last line of defense”, like they were in the first two years of Overwatch?

Attacking a point felt a lot more doable with trance/sound barrier/rez there to give the team a second chance, and defending a point felt better since you knew that enemies using the old “poke until you have ults, then spam Q to win use the ults all at once” strat wasn’t automatically a game-ender - you had a chance to pull through by countering them a defensive ult.

These days trance and barrier don’t quite have the stopping power they used to, and that’s all we have for defensive ults anymore…

Would you consider making a future map use the 3cp format as a test?

The biggest problem with 2CP IMO is that you can successfully defend for 6 minutes, for it all to be undone by 2 ults.

I don’t hate 2 CP, stop trying to speak for the entire community.


Gonna keep my opinion here simple.

Winning a team-fight is supposed to feel like a victory; it’s supposed to feel good. Point A takes on 2CP feel pretty good, as does defending Point A. Why? Because our brains register it as a success.

What about point B? I think you know where I’m going with this. With how quickly you need to team-wipe the other team to get the cap, there’s a few differences.

  • Killing all enemies within a small time frame requires extreme coordination/outclassing, or luck.
  • Getting mowed over on defense and not having a chance to even contest point B feels very bad.
  • Never being able to mow over defense and never capping point B feels very bad.

The only point B I feel doe a decent job of staggering things out, is Volskaya. It’s not perfect, but there’s enough obstacles on the way back to give offense some hope.

Volskaya also has more points for offense to attack from, while most 2CPs are heavily defense bias’d.

The map designers have clearly tried putting obstacles in the way of defense from insta-contesting, but my main point still remains: ‘victory’ relies on factors outside regular gameplay, such as a full team-wipe in a small window.

Other modes have timers and payloads to pace victory, whereas 2CP is abrupt or neverending; the goal isn’t nearly as clear.

How would I fix this? Honestly, I’m tired of suggesting things so for once I’m not even going to try.

GL Blizz (and Jeff.)

Nope, i like 2cp. I hate koth

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its actually my favorite mode.

I have a really good idea of how to rework 2CP. I’ve been posting it for years, but never got any dev feedback. May I get your opinion? Balance 2CP the PROPER Way

And how do you rework that map type (it’s not a “gaemode”)? Make it one point? Make it best 3 points? Make it a mini payload map? Just because Horizon and Paris are poorly-designed (Paris is just Anubis but the main gate is way closer to the high ground) doesn’t mean the whole map type is bad.

The only problem with those maps is going back to defend the first point is almost pointless. The way for the spawn to point A is so long you might as well give it up if 2-3 teammates die.

strawman what? Not entirelly sure what you’re saying but you can like or hate what you want thats fine by me but there is such a thing as bandwagoning and thats what alot of people do they hear an opinion repeated often enough it starts to become their own regardless or not if its actually their own opinon. I am not saying that there is no reason for anyone to hate those maps more or less saying is that 2cp isn’t as hated as you would think.

I mean if a popular streamer has on opinion you’ll bet all of his followers will basically use his opinion as their own.

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