The best solution would obviously be to split the ladder into solo queue and 6 stacks only games. They would just need to tweak the LFG a bit in order to make it easier to fill out your team. Would probably make the ladder more enjoyable as well, at least if queuing for stacked game as being toxic more then likely would result in you being kicked from the group.
5 stack in comp just needs to be removed.
No, it really doesn’t. Solo q should be removed instead, so people actually group up and work together as the game was intended
You really need to start using that thing between your ears.
If it actually was possible to guarantee a fair match, they wouldn’t start restricting those features at the higher end of the ladder, now would they?
If you are aware of what the MM (based on their own statements) considered for matchmaking, you’d also be able to deduct how dynamic queue can’t possibly guarantee a fair match.
bUt wHat AbOUut ThEir “objective” data? First of all, understand the struggle in actually measuring something as “whether a match is/was fair or not”.
Since you most likely didn’t even put 1 min of thought into it, take your time and understand that they most likely just accumulate their data and don’t actually have a way to determine this on match scale.
All they did so far was showing you a percentage number as “evidence” which you seem to have swallowed as “proof” for whatever reason.
Anyone with little understanding in statistics would be aware of how easy you can (maybe not) deliberately showcase data in a way that makes it appear backing up claims.
So what do you know actually? Do you know what methods they used? How does their Matchmaking affect their measured data?
Again, If the idea is to offset (balance matches) groups by placing similarly sized groups on each side of the match, its impossible to guarantee a fair match.
Now what could possibly be the worst thing? They check their data for a specific match/map (preferably one with an estimated 50% win chance by default) and continuously observe how mixed matches do over time.
Now they might remain at 50% just like all solo matches would do but since you aren’t able to measure at match scale, all of those matches could have been one-sided at the get-go.
But then again… they never claimed that those matches are fair, did they? They just stated that they believe that to be the fairest possible way, which is probably true for dynamic queues in general but that’s not something you’d seek in a competitive mode nevertheless.
You should also keep in mind that such systems struggle more with fewer players online, something they mentioned too btw. and maybe (at the moment) a more relevant subject for the console community.
There is a reason why actual fair competitive sports & games agree on equal terms for their participants, but I guess you know it better than the entire human race.
PS: This subject has been debated since launch btw.
No boy, you really need to go and get one in the first place.
Your opinion is not only wrong, but irrelevant, the data makes it so. You seem to think your opinion trumps data and evidence, it doesn’t.
No matter how much you whine, this is not a solo Q game, it will never be a solo Q game, not now, not ever.
You will get a well deserved ban for leaving a group because you don’t want to play in a team, or part of a team, in a team based game.