Seems fair to me, after all soft throwing takes a lot longer, drags out the inevitable and I really don’t feel like spending time on those matches you clearly can’t balance properly anyway.
PS: Leaving the game in order to cancel it is not an option.
You can’t be placed with a group of 5 people if you solo queue, you only get other people that solo queue in your team.
that’s just not true
The price for leaving is xp penalty in QP/arcade or SR loss + suspension for competitive.
If you are willing to pay that price, then you can leave whenever you want.
5 stack should’nt be allowed to queue at all IMO, 2-3-6 stack only
Oh wait, I thought this was a better game for a second RIP
no stack should be allowed in a god damn solo Q game (game = match). When will you people finally understand that this causes only trouble and does nothing good for comp mode
Get ride of that bs
Don’t worry, I understand you >male sibling< I wonder when you other people will finally understand that this causes only trouble and does nothing good for comp mode
Get ride of that bs
OW isn’t a solo queue only game.
SO why can you login into a competitive mode as a solo player?
If it isn’t ment to be played solo (queue-wise) don’t sell it under that premise.
Don’t allow Solo players to join comp mode, period if that’s what you want.
This right now is a half a$$ed attempt in any possible way.
Or remove the whole competitive aspect so people aren’t mislead by wrong terminology.
Well yeah the best would be playing against/with soloQ only when you soloQ.
But if that system isn’t going to happen, at least don’t allow to 4 or 5 stack. that’s what i meant
I see but everything above a duo stack makes thing a lot more complicated on your end unless you are part of the lucky team.
Like if you soloQ you can only be with other soloQ player and/or 2 stacks. 3 stacks can only be pair with an other 3 stack, 4-5 stack isnt allowed and 6 stack only against 6 stack.
Completely agree, but this isn’t a solo queue game.
or you could just try and win like a normal person
game = match, wrong term usage.
How?? They don’t even join VC…
Its 5 on 1, so the best thing you can do unless you outskill the entire match is work towards that team and that simply doesn’t work if you can’t even communicate.
There isn’t a bigger **** you to solo players by blizzard than those matches.
Where did Blizz advertise OW competitive as specifically a solo queue experience?
You’re trying to blame Blizzard for not doing something they never promised.
If blizz had made the game exactly the way they wanted to, soloQ wouldn’t exist at all. The game was designed as a team vs team experience, soloQ was only added because beta players yelled at them enough.
How does that matter?
They still allow you to queue as a solo player.
So instead of ignoring those players because the design isn’t fit for solo playing (in your opinion), they added it into the team comp to cash in on those players as well?
- They call that mode competitive
- They allow you to solo play in it
PS: You are not aware how terrible that solo play experience is gonna be when you start playing this game.
You can q as a solo player or in a group.
the game is not a solo-q only.
not sure how or why this is so immensely difficult for you to grasp. Your opinion on the matter (and your feelings) don’t matter.
You being able to q as a solo player, does not make it a solo q game.
By that stupid attempt at logic, the fact you can q as a group makes this a group q game