Can’t find comp games on console

Hey I am a console player on the PlayStation 5 and I am unable to find any rank games. Been queuing for role based ranked for 30mins and still can’t seem to find any games. It’s ridiculous!! It’s been like this for over a week now. Crossplay is on this wider match making is awful

There is no crossplay for comp

also if you’re in a wide group it’s bugged and will take 30 minutes or more, if it ever finds a game at all

if you’re playing solo then idk what the problem is

Thanks for your response much appreciated. Is there a fix for this or there is still no fix atm?

While I personally have not tried queuing as a group since getting word of this bug, I saw posts here last night claiming it is still not fixed.

If you try to queue and it says you’re a “wide group” then don’t even bother queuing until they’ve said it’s fixed.

I am not sure if “narrow groups” are affected as I have not tried.