Can’t change the workshop code without crashing

I’m trying to change some things on the code that I found that would help a lot but every time I try to open it, it keeps crashing… does anyone know a way around this? I’m on Xbox one

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This would happen to me a couple of months ago. What I did with mine was restart it. Sometimes I would have to open it in the morning because for some reason it wouldn’t open at night sometimes. If those don’t work I’m not sure. I’m guessing that the code might be too much for your console to run but you can’t really change that if you can’t get into the code so I don’t know if those don’t work

If you’re using a console you will need to disable the actions or conditions that are causing the crash and remake them from scratch.

Disable workshop inspector in your game settings
(which will give you more processing power to use the workshop)

options --> game play --> workshop inspector

Also, keep in mind that Xbox will crash when using the workshop in certain ways-- because the sad reality is that xbox is not powerful enough for large workshop stuff

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He means he is being kicked out of overwatch.

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I’m on PC and having the same issue with my own code.

Unfortunately that option didn’t fix it.

You can also disable inspector in the workshop. This might give you a slight boost in power

Can this in any way boost the server performence? XDDD I know it doesn’t make any sense but i can still hope

First lern how this rule works…

Disabling inspector will only affect server load, not UI related/game crash.

you could try posting a share code and ask someone to make the changes on PC?

if you go into workshop and disable it from there (disable workshop inspector) then it will

This will only affect only on client, for server you must use Disable Inspector Recording, also workshop inspector in game client isn’t problem of crashing, the main problem is because main thread of overwatch becomes blocked due to loading bunch of rules/actions/conditions. If you have some luck, the game will only lost connection to the server, in bad chances (most times) will crash.