Calling the real Brig mains who really love her

What do you guys think about all this crying and hate for the hero?

What do you think about people saying she is a braindead no-skill, low-effort cancer that should be deleted and that everyone that plays her only do so because they are “abusing her” (I really dont like how that sounds) to climb to GM because the is easy and gets value without much thinking? Do you care or not at all?


I care that the whining is going to get her nerfed into the ground, and the only way she’ll ever be brought back up will probably be by basically buffing other parts of her kit or reworking her to the point she’ll basically be another hero and the Brigitte I know and love will be erased.


Not a brig “main” because I don’t main anything, but I love everything about Brig’s design. I’m not too worried about her haters because they almost never know what they’re talking about. Anyone who’s put in a decent amount of time on her in a truly competitive environment knows that she has very easily exploitable limitations.


I think the people who pull out the no-skill card as their first defense make me retch every time it comes up.

It somehow bled into Heroes of the Storm. The most casual MOBA on the market. God, it’s like the new buzzword everyone likes to throw around because all the cool kids are saying it and it makes them sound smart.

Brig is overtuned. She’s oppressive because she was designed to be oppressive. She does an extremely good job of punishing mistakes without a terrible amount of effort put into it. Low rank players make tons of mistakes, and higher rank players are upset that someone can so easily catch them out when they play lazily.

Most if not all of the people who did this are already low diamond to masters players already. The entirety of 3000-4000 SR comes down to how well you can work with your team. You can do this as any support, not just Brig. The people who end up making these climbs were usually DPS mains that can’t compete at a higher level, but still have the game sense and meta knowledge otherwise. This allows them to get carried by people who are better than them, while playing a hero that supplies a good dose of utility.

Once Brig dies, people will find a new thing to complain about. For some reason, people are still complaining about Moira, the most neutered support after Mercy’s gutting.


I like the character a lot. I really do. I think for the most part people that actually have constructive criticism over her are alright which I think are the majority of the player base, like the bash through barrier, I think that was a fair criticism. I tend to ignore the vocal minority that say “braindead unskill cancer” and other stuff like that because they just come off as salty, nothing constructive about those comments. There isn’t any reasoning with people who think like that. They can say what they want of course, but they shouldn’t wonder why no one takes them seriously.


I know I’m not adding anything to this argument but are you serious? How do people pull the skill card into heroes of the storm ? I’m almost glad I stopped playing it after getting the skins

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I understand the complaints about CC. I like the idea of preventing shield bash on Rien with adding additional heals for your team.

That said, she is absolutely necessary to compete with Genji / Tracer in your backline. Without her, your DPS would be consistently Tracer/Genji like it was in the earlier seasons (at least on console). It was pretty much, pick a character that is hard to hit with their movement, then win the match. Brig now provides options for a team to help stop that or least make it so they have to play at a bigger difference.

I would like to see brig become a more useful character when she is out of range, but still support killing out of position heros. With her current cooldowns, I don’t see her as much as a threat as I do see other characters in the game. Look at Mai, she can non-stop CC and wall people off, along with heal in an ice block. I find her much more annoying than Brig.

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I wish I knew, man. People want to clutch to every little excuse as to why they might be losing in a game.

I was as baffled as he was. “Kael’Thas is such an easy hero! He takes no skill to play”

Just… What.


I remember a time when everyone just wanted a reasonable Brig, but Brigs insisted her launch state was fine, then I remember the problem going on for a long period cause no reasonable consensus was reached to present the dev’s… Then I remember no one wanted to tank for months because of her…Then frustration grew and enough people left or played less to draw the dev’s ire…

As someone who is glad they will be able to MT and not just leave to play something else I am happy she is being brought in line. (Though there is still so much reliable CC in this game I probably won’t feel any different.)

Though I should also state that since it has been such a problem for so long for us tanks that my opinion is bias and a no longer have any idea what too much will be…

But I do not want her useless, I just want all hero’s to get results based off of “skill+practice” required.

(To me skill is based off of the factors left after removing common factors between hero’s. eg, all hero’s require positioning, kinda thing.)

I hate how the complaining from rein mains broke melee consistency

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The crying about Brig was only justified by the Rein/and some tank mains. Everyone else is full of Rat feces.

The crying, as usual, is done by DPS Mains ( specifically Genji/Tracer/Reaper mains) because they want to be able to instalock said heroes and carry and be the next streamer/OWL Pro DPS. They got Ana nerfed initially, they gave us the moth meta ( don’t be fooled they are solely responsible for that), Lucio got nerfed ( ??) and now Brigitte. Soon they will turn their attention on Moira.

The “abuse” they cite is rich, because the easiest way to climb in this game is to play DPS and has been for a long, long, time. Tell me, if blizzard took away the melee/projectile penalties of Tank/Support heroes and made them all hitscan, what do you think would happen? A lot less DPS mains in the top 500 that’s for sure. DPS are given small hitboxes and traditional FPS mechanics and use them against other heroes who do not have such privileges. So there argument is again, misguided.

This has convinced me to play Paladins more, and just smurf at bronze and silver in OW, since at Plat/Diamond it’s going to shift back to DPS carries and the same old tired gameplay loop of overwatch.


I love Brig, she’s one of my favorite supports but other characters exist besides her. Her power level and role was unhealthy for the game as a whole considering her ease of use.

I don’t know if she will need consolation buffs after the nerfs but playing her on the PTR I know she’ll still be a strong character, just have a lot of her more egregious elements removed.

Throughout the entire process people insisted “just avoid her” and “she’s fine now” nerf after nerf after nerf.

A lot of the divide in this game comes when Blizzard overpowers the easy to play options and people feel like they’re really good and everyone else is just bad because they can’t adapt. Now you tell Brig’s to output 5 extra damage on Tracer and adapting is impossible for them.


Reasonable Brig changes:

  • Scrapping all planned nerfs on the ptr
  • Making Inspire healing unable to be refreshed on herself until two seconds after a previous inspire’s effects wear off, adding time for enemies to possibly catch her when off self heal, and therefore adding a little bit more room for counterplay (otherwise keep planned buffs to inspire)
  • Buffing shield bash cooldown to 6 seconds
  • Buffing shield health to 600
  • Make succesfully bashing an enemy take 150 health away from the shield, now adding more risk to thoughtless bashing, and adding more room for counterplay

Personally, I totally see why people are crying over Brigg and have been for so long.

So much as I love playing Brigitte and really feel I make a lot of impact for my team when I play her, I know I am coasting on her very accessible, perhaps overly accessible skill set and ability combos.

How do I know I’ve had things too easy playing Brigitte until now… Well, it’s all to do with my on fire meter. I know being on fire doesn’t mean much in game, but I am perhaps one of the least on fire players you’ll ever come across on Overwatch. My average on fire time in the game is 3% across all my matches and most characters I have been on fire with for 2% of the time… ever. Meanwhile, with Brigg, I’ve managed to consistently keep a nice 13% on fire rate throughout the time I’ve played with her. Considering where I am with all other characters I play, that has to mean something.

I won’t lie, I am going to miss running rough shod over barrier tanks and dps when her shield changes etc go live… but I more than understand why Blizz need to change her.

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I think it’s frustrating, partly because I feel like they are describing something completely different from what I am experiencing.

I mean I get that she was OP from the beginning. I do. And I don’t mind the bash nerfs (either of them).

BUT the whole “Game is unfun” bit. I just don’t get it. For me, even before Brig, it was the prolonged slogs that were fun. It’s the hard fought battles with staying power, desperate Ult use, and quick decisons for retreat and reentry into the frey that is the FUN part.
I will NEVER understand all those who think Dive, and more importantly quick, almost only second long fights are fun, and long fights “boring” or “frustrating”.


Her ‘very easily exploitable limitations’ clearly aren’t very exploitable, because she is responsible for 2 variants of the current meta, Goats and Floats (flying goats)

All the heroes that make up these metas were in the game long before Brigitte. She is the only common denominator here. These metas were made possible by her overtuned kit. The nerfs are 100% deserved.

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I would argue against this statement.

Yes rien = stun dead cause everyone is shooting at him all the time.

Orisa = just not good (not brigs fault)

Monkey = stun then dead, a monkey that can’t dive is worthless

Dva = stun then demeched, a DVa that can’t pursue is only good to eat stuff

Zarya was good let her get charge or negate the stun.

Hog = can’t hook through shield and all of his other abilities get stopped by her since she can just walk up with shield and stun.

It was a really bad time for us… we have no options to fight back with… It’s all rely on team mates that won’t switch and when they do help, the enemy just picks something to disable that help.

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Or adding a second AoE healer made the comp possible. Metas don’t always indicate overtuning.

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The fact that she’s in a lot of team comps is not a problem in itself; she is the best anti flanker and one of the best all around supports. I mean compare with D:VA, which is actually in 100% of team comps over Master, and even down here in Bronze in what? 85% of teams at least?

Because there are other comps than GOATS being played high up, even if they are tank heavy (but as I for some reason have to repeat to my teammates in Bronze: One Tank = Loss. We need TWO). All is not GOATS because it has Brig in it.

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I really don’t mind what happens to her kit as long as the following is still possible and effective:

  • Stop/kill an out of position tracer/Genji

  • Heal my team effectively in or out of combat.

  • Support Rein/backline, and still do boops off maps

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