Calling same game OW2 with some tweaks

Really? People now in ow1 will suffer for new updates becouse of your new called game which is exactly the same.Basicly you are stealing content from ow1 to put in “ow2” and make us wait year.



Would you rather they just threw themselves at OW2 and then split the playerbase etc etc?

Wtf is your problem? If you want PVE, you can snag OW2 and get it. If you don’t, you can stay on OW1 and get all the heroes, maps, PVP updates, etc.

Your stance makes no god damn sense.


My problem is they will slow even more the updates now…

“hey guys, you will not be getting new archives mission this year… so we can sell it to you when OW2 comes.”

It is bloody disgraceful.


Hey I’m not a big fan of them not releasing heroes until OW2 drops, that kind of sucks. At the same time, OW2 drops and we get a number of heroes into the game… Alright.

I’m okay with that.

If I was someone that actually cared about PVE type stuff like archives etc, I’d rather wait a minute for OW2 than get some half assed bs archives mission.

You are SUCH a pessimistic person.


Sure september 2020 is a minute :wink:

I really don’t mind. As I probably won’t buy OW2 as I’m not interested in OW based PVE content.

Your impatience is not my problem.

It is “half assed bs” cuz they are putting their resources on the new PvE that they plan to sell.

Omg! Look at you! You got something other than OWL to blame now! Now instead of the devs focusing on OWL, you can blame them for focusing on OW2, cuz they aren’t giving YOU what YOU want.

Poor princess, that pea must be so uncomfortable.

I’m sorry you are so strapped for cash that you cannot fathom the idea of paying a group of developers for working hours and hours on a massive content package be it called a DLC, an expansion, or a sequal, or whatever. That must be really tough.

At the same time though, you are trying so hard to be suchhh a pessimistic person, oversimplifying and dismissing things, just sooooo comfortable in an entitled little bubble. You’re expecting some return on that effort, right? You are making it clear you are such a hard done by disenfranchised person. Clearly you expect some return for that right?

Well, if you ain’t willing to pay people putting in so many hours to provide content for us, then none of us really need to pay you any attention, do we? Fair is fair.

Reassess how tf you look at the world cuz I don’t know much, but I know you’re wrong.

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Paying for the same game are you kidding me? Like league of legends making pve lol and calling it new game. This is totaly bs i saw the gameplay its exactly the same ow with new interface and reskinned heroes.

I’m sorry, what?

Where tf did you get that idea from?

If I pay for OW2, I’m paying for the PVE content, the missions, the leveling system, the trait system, etc, etc. All of which is NOT what I paid for when I bought OW1. All of which will NOT be a part of OW1.

I bought OW1 as a team based FPS strictly PVP type game. I knew exactly what I was buying, I bought it, and I got exactly what I expected.

OW2 is something totally different, and really I have no reason to buy it if all I am interested in is the OW1 experience, as all things PVP are shared between OW2 and OW1.

So… Wtf?

Are you just complaining because you were incapable of understanding these obvious things?

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We haven’t gotten any confirmation that there’s not going to be any new heroes or maps released for Overwatch until OW2 comes out. It’s purely speculation. If it takes more then a year for the game to be released, we should expect some new heroes or maps, since they’re going to come out for Overwatch when OW2 is released anyway.

The only confirmation that we’ve gotten is that there won’t be any new Archives Event, which makes sense when you think about it, as that would require them to take away assets from OW2 just to work on an Overwatch Archives Event, which would then be scrapped once OW2 releases.

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Imagine knowing that Overwatch 2 will have a progression system and equating it to a bloody Archives mission. You actively want to be disappointed.


or have you considered that ow will BECOME ow2, only you need to unlock the pve content

but i guess sc2 owners stopped getting updates after hots or lotv released?

Tbh they’re probably just elated that they have something other than OWL to blame. HANA is straight up on the war path wanting to share negativity with the world. Pray for that child.

Well… Yeah… OW and OW2 are the same thing, PVP wise. OW2 is basically just PVE content… That’s like pretty obvious at this point.

That “progression system” seems so bare bone that it won’t make difference even if it is not there. It is hardly anything that will make you play on your main more.

That is the case right now, but an upgraded engine will also allow for more improvements to PvP in the future.

Good thing they said that what we saw isn’t the entirety of the progression system.

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