Calling all brig mains: any tips?

Except they have already done a troll thread, and multiple people have called this person out. Their VERY FIRST thread on this forum was a troll thread.

You rob one bank and go to prison, it isn’t impossible to expect you’re going to rob another one when you get out.

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Your stuns are important for ult cancels so be sure to be on guard with that and do not try to tank the frontline unless your rein is in trouble. Your shield is mostly personal. Also if you need heals but your pack is on CD use whipshot to initiate inspire. That can help until you can get close enough to start really using melee range. If you can use whipshot to isolate key enemy players from the team such as for example an Ana or toss a reinhardt back so he doesn’t block the enemy team with his shield all the better. These are my two cents but I am not really a bring main, just occasionally fill the role when I feel like it.

I’ll just say try and shield :shield: some teammates I know it’s a small shield but she is like a miniature Reinhardt! And use inspire at the ut most need! Other then that you got this! Oh wait! One more thing try and stay in the back line sometimes! :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh also, try to resist the urge to panic ult. Hers isn’t trans or sound barrier. IF your teammates got picked off, it’s better to save it and initiate once you regrouped and then go in. Make sure your team gets the full armor bonus right before the fight starts.

On the OW US forum? If so, then mind providing a link to it.
Edit: Oh okay. I’ll check first post.

First, there’s a difference between an online forum site and robbery. Second, we can’t just automatically predict they do that same action again knowing the consequences they have earned. It’s basically trial and error.

I’ll gladly link it.

There are many, MANY people on this thread calling this person out.

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Are you still angry that he said that genjis counters aren’t that strong? Get over it, it’s not like there wasn’t some truth in it

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That wasn’t even why I posted the thread here in the first place, you aren’t proving anything.

This was a troll thread, it was called out by many, many people.

Yo Auriel =)

I cannot agree more with this.
In fact, it is safe to say that Brig is great at body blocking with her shield for team mates. I have done it very often for not only my team mates who are not shield tanks but also for co-supports.
Body blocking as Brig is very often overlooked.

+1 for positive encouragement!


My style of brig depends on what my team builds. If there’s only one tank, I’ll be more active with shielding and guarding. If it’s as one of the two healers in a 2-2-2, I’ll try to be somewhere in the middle of my team, using repair pack on cd on anyone who might start taking damage. Otherwise, I’ll be more proactive and fight in the front lines next to rein, sometimes initiating if the rein is being cautious.

Oh wow they made that post!
Dang that’s a very low effort post they made, but I can’t tell if it’s an actual troll post or they need to improve at the game (actually that would make more sense if they are trying to improve at game and as such why this post is made) .

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It was not a troll thread. You are just butthurt that I said your main needs a better counter

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I’m not butthurt about anything. I’ve done more than enough to prove that I don’t have bias and actually have proper discussion with people, no matter what we disagree upon.

If you want me to link the people who called you out for trolling, who don’t even main Genji, I gladly will.

Actually, if you want to counter Genji then may I suggest Moira,, Winston, or Zarya? I also would recommend Torbjorn if his movement is an issue.

In case you aren’t entirely sure, here’s a post from someone who presumably doesn’t even play Overwatch, calling this person out and giving proof of their claim, that they troll and use alternate accounts to troll as well.

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If the genji is a potato and dies to moira I don’t think I’d actually need moira to counter him


kinda works but only if she has full charge already.

Hello Silenthill it’s been awhile! :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Any competent Moira can by least do a good job at hindering a competent Genji.

She can abuse the range of her beam [26 Meters] to drain his health from afar, even if it’s within his Swift Strike range, she can use Fade to get away from him and proceed to continue to kill him, even if he gets her low, she can drop either a Damaging Biotic Orb or a Healing Biotic Orb to either deter him further or heal herself to allow her to finish him off.


Well these screenshots were taken from a discord group, but even then there should be screenshots of their troll posts on the HOTS forum site to further prove they’re actually a troll.

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Agree to disagree. I’ve seen good moira players be burst down by flanking genjis, at least enough to force them to fade away first.