By The Time You Get To Platinum

People know, they just don’t do it, and who can you blame anyway? Which of the 5 DPS are at fault? Is that one guy off the hook for switching to D,va when we still have 4 DPS and 1 support?

Plat trash here. I wholeheartedly agree.

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In plat, people generally understand that a team comp helps you win. However, they don’t really understand how to use it properly, thus making it a moot issue. The game is absolutely winnable with almost any comp, and I’ve seen some absurd nonsense work in the past.

What is way more effective than whining about a team comp is staying positive and friendly with your teammates. You WILL lose more with a good team comp and bad attitude than with a bad comp and good attitude. If you still lose, then you’re probably playing at your rank.


Yes. That does make them wrong. And this thought process directly continues to perpetrate the aspect of selfish gameplay that is plaguing the community. I don’t understand how anyone can disagree with that. If you have 5 people joining a competitive match, just to jump off the map, go play a different game mode, you are WRONG.

The entire context of this is competitive. You guys keep forgetting that a competitive mode is focused around winning, and when you’re intentionally hindering your teams ability to win, that’s WRONG.

You’re right, just because ONE person is telling someone to swap, doesn’t make them right. But when an entire team can acknowledge that an attack Sym / Parkour Lucio / Widow who’s getting wrecked by a Winston over and over and over and over and over and over and request a swap, only to be met with “I HAVE 5 GOLDS RAWR RAWR” when that ISN’T the truth is a problem. And should be a reportable offense.

In the context of competitive mode, it’s expected to put your best foot forward, and that’s cooperating with the rest of your team. That’s literally the difference between a ranked play, and a casual mode. You can’t have both in the same game mode. It’s counter-intuitive. If you’re unable, or unwilling to cooperate, there are other game modes available to play. If you are unwilling to utilize those game modes for your own selfish play, then it should be a reportable offense to refuse to cooperate.

All of this implies that the people that are telling you to switch are right, which with the amount of mob mentality and blame that goes into this game, I don’t trust and have seen it wrong plenty of times. “The torb/Sym/sombra etc needs to switch!!!” While the rest of the time isn’t creating space, the healers or pocketing the tanks etc… So much of it is rooted in straight up blame

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Since we’re just throwing things out that we think should be reportable/punishable and going “I don’t care if you disagree”:

People who demand “cooperation” but does not playing exclusively in a 6-stack should be banned from competitive.

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And this is all rooted in blindness and lack of game awareness. It’s pretty blatantly obvious MOST of the time when someone doesn’t mesh with the team. In Plat, it’s not typically one lost teamfight and “ALRIGHT SWAP RIGHT THIS SECOND”. It’s typically by the second round that someone goes “This doesn’t work with this comp, we need to swap it up.”

Then it’s “So-and-so has left the voice channel” or starts raging about how they’re just NOT getting healed, and that’s the problem. Then continues on with business as usual.

I literally played a game last night with a Widow who was getting WRECKED. I’m talked 3 deaths by halfway to the first CP while she’s sitting on a roof blaiming the cumulative tanks for not shielding her and healers for not healing her… On a ROOF. That is straight up refusing to cooperate, but totally legal in competitive.

“Play Around It”. Sure, let’s condone one player being able to hijack an entire match.

Players have been asking for an exclusive stacked or registered queue for ages. It’s been disregarded and a half-@#$ LFG mode, where throwers seem to have moved indefinitely and thrived. Easiest way to guarantee you get to play exactly what you want, regardless of the rest of your team is to start a LFG. And that’s unfortunately what it’s become… A slew of groups for a leader who just wants to Sym.

You’re suppose to host your own group if you’re looking for a specific game experience, not join someone else’s group and expecting it to fit your needs.

The people who want to play Sym and start their own LFG group is using the tool correctly.

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This is incredibly flawed, as LFG would just be a lobby of solo players, as nobody would ever fill a group with this and they do all the time. This is actually the opposite of how Blizzard designed it to be used per Jeff, however, once players started using it that way, they just left it… Which is why many of what I imagine you call “tryhards” don’t use it.

Legit every time it’s “obvious”, things would’ve been fine if someone wasn’t doing something obviously horrible, big tip, it’s usually NOT your off meta player.

And it usually is, don’t know where you get the idea it isn’t.

Yet how often you guys run stuff like DVA Hog :thinking: I’ve seen so many plat games where you’ll run two off tanks and then not push past the choke, and then blame your off meta heros.

I can only take your word for this scenario, which isn’t enough and scenarios like this are extreme as there is almost always more going on.

And yet he doesn’t reply to an argument that absolutely destroys his stance

LFG group’s don’t create themselves. If none of the groups you see looks appealing, or they don’t run it the way you want it to be ran, then host your own group. If you don’t want to take chances or spend the time playing with random groups to find out if they are what you want, then go straight to hosting.

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People still think DPS are the carry heroes…

You just have to work with what you have. People are stubborn.

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DPS are the carry heros… If you are significantly better in all the other aspects of your game other than just mechanical skill

I like where I am in Silver. Especially in LFG most players will happily swap and shake up comps because we all know we’re bad even with our mains :sweat_smile:

Yes… but then you are more than 500sr misplaced.

If you are actually closer to your true skill, you depend on decent tanking and support to be effective.

You can actually make up for bad dps with the tanks and offtanks. You can’t do anything when your main tank is a complete feeder.

Got 56 on season 1!

Played from 2497 to 2760(ish) yesterday. “Refusing to cooperate” was strictly the rule in every single game. People would try to throw out of spawn just because my group of 3 went triple DPS (usually with 2 out of sombra, soldier, tracer to help sustain or double sniper + sombra to delete enemies).

No issues with that. If the guy got to plat as onetrick he deserves that rank. Got kinda mad at the 70% winrate rein that swapped to Hanzo because he didn’t like triple DPS and the 4th DPS picks that did nothing at all though.

Not swapping to a hero you can’t play at your rank is more valuable skillwise than swapping and underperforming IMHO.
Sadly that meant I got to play very little widow.

Meh. You can play around counters most of the time, unless it’s a very hard counter like sombra + mei vs hamster or widow soldier McCree vs pharah (had an enemy play pharah all game against us… It was… Interesting… I think she managed to kill our Zen once over 2 rounds, and got headshoted out of ult both times -once by our Zen, the guy got his sweet revenge lol.

Problem with plat is not one tricks, trolls and throwers. Is they think they are “top half of the community” and they consider themselves proficient.
On average my silver and gold games this season had way less toxicity and better teamwork.

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My whole point was it’s not in normal situations =P though it’s not as far as 500, I’d argue 300 SR is enough

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I haven’t gotten to it yet, chill.

I don’t agree with this. Playing a totally countered hero because “You want to” is hindering your team, and doesn’t show an understanding that a team comp helps you win. When the rest of your team is running a dive or GOATS comp, and all of a sudden you end up with a random Torb, it’s not a person who “generally understands that a team comp helps you win”. In fact, it’s the opposite. It’s a person who “generally understands” that he’s encouraged to play whatever he wants because there is no consequence for refusing to coordinate with your team. Likewise, a one-trick isn’t someone who doesn’t understand how to use a team comp properly, it’s simply that: A one-trick who refuses to play anything else. That’s forcing your team to play AROUND you, which shows, once again, a general _mis_understanding of a team comp helping you win.

As for whining about a team comp, you selected the most vague part of what I said, with the most room for “exceptions” (which are not rules…). Yeah, I’ve seen 6 DPS work some times. I’ve also seen it not work FAR MORE times than it’s worked. You can’t point to exceptions as a validation that I’m wrong about a team comp. Forcing a tank or DPS main to play healer, because you have a 4-stack DPS should NOT be a Plat problem. Can you win? Sure. Are your chances high? Unlikely. And that, is the definition of a hindrance.

“Yet how often you guys run stuff like DVA Hog :thinking: I’ve seen so many plat games where you’ll run two off tanks and then not push past the choke, and then blame your off meta heros”

This right here I have a ton of hours on Dva, I know how to play other tanks but it really bothers me in play games when I insta lock Dva and someone waits till the last moment to pick roadhog, and then of course they rage if The dps have a hard tim.

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