By the devs' own logic, Sym needs a rework

I feel like her current kit while great in some areas is just worse in far more. Gonna be even worse without 2cp.

I don’t want to see her made more generic and would like to keep her unique even if it’s a total rework. But I do want her to be more usable in more situations. Doom and Orisa’s rework kinda give me hope for that. Bastion too I guess but I think he could use some further buffs or changes.

I’ve never been a fan of support sym but maybe I just haven’t seen anything that I liked yet. Who knows.

Your mistake was assuming that the devs are consistent with how they apply their logic.

…Or that they use logic at all.


If you think Sentries are an issue and not… literally anything else then you clearly dont understand the issues Symmetra has.

Unique plays that cant be done in ladder, and holding a space she cant gain because she poses no threat to anyone.

Because Blizz has been nerfing Sym to the point where she isnt capable as a DPS hero, and thus the TP cheese comes at a bit too big of a cost to be worth picking her. You pick a taxibot, and without an organized team that taxibot cant function as a DPS compared to other DPS heroes.

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You’re missing the point. In the context of Bastion, he was reworked because nobody liked playing with him or against him. Symmetra is in a similar situation. On the “playing against her” side of things, one of the major reasons no one likes her is her turrets. You can say they’re easy to deal with, but so was Bastion. If Symmetra is reworked with the same mindset, they’re almost certainly not going to keep Sym’s turrets. They’re niche in application, especially with the removal of 2CP and the overall increase in the speed of the game. All she has left is Lijiang Tower. Why keep them?

All I’m saying is, if she gets reworked, she’s probably going to be a fundamentally different hero designed with the new game in mind unless they really go out of their way to cater to Sym vets. Bastion is fundamentally different from what he was.


they probs are reworking her as we speak. Give it a mo

not really because one can make changes to her current kit to make her viable in OW2:

the only reason she’s “niche” rn is simply because devs trashed her capability to reasonably get uptime and that atm you can only reasonably get uptime if you have your team help you out a lot like in the “team tp rush deathball escorting w+m1” comp+strat.

and having her have more capability in getting uptime doesn’t necessarily need a rework as per above.

every hero can be considered unfun to play against. who likes playing against tracer? hardly anyone. guess we should rework her too :unamused:

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ugh dont get me excited

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This goes for literally every hero that’s never been solidly meta. Junk, Torb, Sym, Bastion. Geoff even said that after Torb got buffed to a point where he was balanced, people complained about playing against him so they nerfed him again. What?? How can you make a balanced game when you’re afraid of your own player base like that. Sym needs changes. Torb needs a buff. Bastion got a whole rework. Junk needs increased damage or consistency (he may be played a lot at low ranks and is easy to play, but he has arguably always been the worst hero in the game because at high ranks he’s only played on select few maps and he still struggles on those since he’s the character with the hardest “counters” of anyone. He has a slow projectile, inconsistent damage, and DPS that’s not that much higher than the average damage hero). Make all characters good everywhere instead of wanting some characters to only be good in certain situations when there’s heroes like Soldier or Tracer that can find success anywhere.


y doe? Torb is one of the heroes that really benefits from fewer players on the map, because his turret adds a whole extra body to deal with. His primary is breddy gud and didn’t they recently buff his secondary?

They changed Sombra because peak OW1 Sombra strategy in OW2 would amount to: Hack the Tank and win.

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Yeah, I’m sure he’ll be overall better in OW2. I’m just frustrated with how the character was treated in OW1. Knowing Blizz, though, they’ll still nerf him if he gets played more by pros. Can’t have any variety in the game. That’d make it “too complex

Sym will become a Tank in OW 2 if you guys keep it up.

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Heroes that are strong in pro player hands don’t necessarily get nerfed. Sometimes a hero just has a good kit and doesn’t need to be pummeled into the ground because there’s nothing numerically or emotionally wrong with the hero’s design or interactions.

God yes, they can finally give Symmetra the staying power she needs to use her primary.

I mean look this is fair to remove, but the compensation just doesn’t seem worth it

Heck 8 damage and +23% increased damage to hacked targets would accomplish the same but better

Torb’s turret gets complained about just as much don’t think it’ll get removed

But the only reason her turrets should be removed is because they will be way worse in ow2 in most modes

All Sym 3.0 needs is most of the nerfs on her kit since her rework to be reverted. Literally, that’s it. She does not need a “rework”, she needs to go back to her original 3.0 form.

I was in beta and played Sym and against her, she’s fine. The turrets were not a problem in the least and no one complained about her. I assure you she feels better and is better balanced for play in OW 2 with 1 tank gone. The impact of the DPS speed buff on her makes her feel quite a bit better in play.

Manifesting a return to support

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What is it with some Sym players wanting her in Support so bad, why? I mean is she magically somehow better or going to be “good”? No, in reality she would be trash and not allowed to compete against existing healers even in OW 2.

Blizz isn’t like that. Like I said, they’ve nerfed Torb before. Junk got buffed and he still wasn’t played much by pros then he got nerfed. What’s right numerically doesn’t seem to be their priority- only pleasing the playerbase and what the players think they want/is best for the game.

Sym’s turrets will excel in OW2. They can cover flanks and alert Sym and thus her team when people are flanking. That’s a big deal when people are going to be more spread out. Turrets just need to be balanced a little better. I think what really requires attention is her weapon. She doesn’t have the right amount of health to be running at people and hoping she’s getting healed to survive long enough to get her weapon to full charge to actually be capable of kill people. Everyone is too spread out for that and she can’t be the priority of her tank and healer only to maybe be useful.


You know how faulty is to go by whatever or not something is enjoyable to play against?

Going by that kind of logic we should instantly delete Widowmaker and Tracer.

One has insane damage output and range and is attacked to a self healing target that also happens to have armor.

Honestly that you are comparing sentries, as in ‘‘dies in one hit, deals as much as damage as a melee hit’’ sentries, to a whole entire hero is nothing short of absurd.

Symmetra has several issues, and one involves sentries, but sentries themselves are well design as low impact and disposable aides and security system.

Current sentries are ironically the most fluid of Symmetra’s current kit by a long shot. The issue with them is their prohibitively cooldowns, and how they are balanced around the potential of sentrybombing.

What needs to be removed are cooldown team TP and the half a dozen delays that plague Sym for literally no reason. Some of you dont understand how much of Sym’s power budget is wasted on an OWL gimmick, and how much she has been nerfed to make her unattractive to use seriously in OWL, once again, because of this incarnation team TP.