Buying DLC on steam does NOT give you items purchased

Same I did not get anything from the ultimate bundle

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yikes. i remember not being able to play for like a full day because all my heroes got locked. this, im sure its just a whoops :). fixed now a day later.

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Same issue here. Heard we have to wait a few hours and it’ll fix itself. Hoping to get some sort of compensation for the inconvenience

They know:

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I wish but knowing Blizzard we aren’t getting anything besides disappointment.

“compensation for the inconvenience” I’m still waiting for my compensation from having to experience the shadowlands expansion in WoW :joy:

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I have the same issue only I bought on my phone in the Bnet app and it’s not showing up in game. Happened to me 2 months ago and I still haven’t received my coins

For people wanting to know, just restarted my game and got my stuff now.


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HOW??? Just casually restarting over and over again?

I just closed it and opened it and this time it worked. Over the past 7 hours I’ve opened and closed the game like 20 times, guess the server finally realized or something.

Do you only restarting game or steam too? I think im about to hit 20 times already

I only restated the game after playing for a while.

I think it’s less about how many times you restart the game and more about restarting after it’s been fixed for you. Just do it once every hour or so. Save you a bunch of time and effort and they will fix it eventually.


Same! Literally the moment I purchased it, saw the reviews of it and instantly regretted.

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Oh I got the DLC now, just waiting for Comp rewards for now.

Hi, I’m replying to this to give some insight to anyone who is looking for answers. I bought this for steam close to release, I did not receive it. Around 5 hours later with no luck I spent about 2.5 hours troubleshooting trying everything in the book. I can say with confidence that there is no trick with this as it is not a downloading issue but an issue with the game not acknowledging the steam dlc. So don’t uninstall the game (I’ve tried). Don’t validate the files (I’ve tried like 10 times). Don’t exit steam (I’ve tired). Just open the game to see if you have it and close it and do something else. Don’t waste your time like I did. It will probably be resolved within the next few days.


Same here and I tried 100 other things. Nothing works.

Blizzard just took our $40 and we can’t even try out the new hero. What an utter disastrous launch.

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Don’t be mad that $15 is a lot to you but not everyone else. Sorry, but I make $15 every 6 minutes at my job. I know that’s not the case for everyone, but don’t be mad cuz bad.


Still haven’t got my stuff that I bought 8 hours ago. The whole game is built around trying to sell you extra stuff and they can’t even do that right?

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Same issue here, i didn’t get anything