[ BUG ?] - You Nerfed Mercy's Self Heal?

Yea, but zen also has shield health which also regens after a while so i mean…

Oof…work I guess! :woozy_face:

I mean complaints is the point of the beta, ie feedback, and that’s why they responded saying they are changing it next update lol…because they heard everyone complain

They will never understand this. They have this elitist hierarchy and decide what is true based on their own echo chamber. Godspeed for trying to talk sense, WamBam. They just like to be needlessly mean.

For me its losing the ability to prop bounce takes the fun out of mercy. I enjoy siting behind my ashe getting bored and just prop bouncing. Or! Prop bouncing backwards to get some distance after rezing. Or prop bouncing up off a wall breaking beam connection so i lose whoever was chasing me.

Prop bouncing off objects so you dont have to fly into your team. Or in los of hitscan.

Prop bouncing to high ground between fights.

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Understand what? The fact that the Devs said they balance around high ranks? loll

THIS! Loss of fun AND makes her way worse!

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I still feel that all supports are under power in some situations. I would like to advise changes as follow:

  1. Support passive buff to 25 HP/s.

  2. All support buff to 225 HP like Zenyatta, E.g. 175 health + 50 shield or 175 health + 50 armor.

  3. Remove some strange change like Mercy super jump (Zenyatta is fine) and change her passive to prevent 50% head shot damage.

Radical idea: Get rid of all the passiveness, like read your own posts for a moment, you’re saying it’s okay to inject more self-piloting cancer into the game, this is not skill. Awful and ‘skilled’ mercy’s have been known to climb ranks steadily thanks to an abundance of passivenes without EVER needing to swap heroes.

That’s DEFFO why they’re trying to make her even easier than she is. Loll

Yea, thats a big no for me, id just stop playing all together if this happens.

Love dying just now because I can no longer prop bounce when my Pharah flies over a wall and leaves me!! Love this change so much !!!

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Only people that play mercy above gold will understand the mercy ways…

My point is, top tier players spend just as much time complaining about nonissues as anybody else does, more time in fact since they know people will eat up whatever they say

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I’ve literally never heard of prop bouncing until this week, so I can’t relate personally

Its probably because your not mercy player. With your logic of i position so i dont have to use her tech, they’d get rid of super jump altogether.


Ofc they don’t care about this change if they don’t even know what PROP JUMPING is? :skull:

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Just chatting here Aurora,

I’m finding I’ve lost very few movement options, and gained some new ones. In fact I feel so bloody mobile it’s almost embarrassing in some fights. I can seem to slingshot further than I’m used too, top-down SJ on command, get off the ground 99% of the time off of anything, dead or alive, and do it much much more quickly.

What I’m experiencing is the fights are sooooo much faster, sooooo much more hectic. When I need to jump, it’s a click away, over and over and over again. I can’t afford to miss any of them. I switch over to OW1 and fights…feel…so…slow. I have time to sit in the back and get the timing right for all those SJs. But in 5v5, no way. Not with teams that are organized. IMHE anyhow.

About the only thing I can’t pull off is jumping with a barrer in front of me, over and over and over again. But I can do the same type of thing when I’m safe on a corner, and my tank/dps is taking the blows. So I just look at it like I traded one limited trick, for one I can use more often.

I even think I noticed that you can crouch and GA to be lower to the ground like the old SJ. But I need to check that again (because I’ve noticed some thing I could do on day one, don’t work today). So it just doesn’t seem like it’s holding me back, and honestly, the more I use it, the better it gets. My death-rate sits around 0-3 per match, unless I’m just being reckless with a bad team. But my deaths are always the lowest, and I’m topping heals a ton of the time, so for better or worst, it seems to be working IMHO.

Maybe my skill level with the OG-SJ wasn’t as good as I thought. But I could do most of the maneuvers out there with a pretty high success rate. BUT I could never do endless top-down-SJ at varying distances over and over and over again like I can in OW2. And at least for my skill level, you just have to to survive in 5v5.

Hop the bus, get up to the next level, GA off your tank on the ground level from the 2nd floor, and back up to the other 2nd story window/doorway. GA across the map. Hop over Phara to clear a high wall, or do a roof slide, GA through a door and into an open area to escape fire. Long slingshot. Close GA-Sj to avoid a dive. Blind GA. Low GA. If I have a target, I have a SJ, wherever, and whenever. No matter the distance, altitude, in the air, on the ground, moving, standing still, whatever. It’s all your silly playground. It almost feels like it’s cheating.

My suggestion to any Mercy players, is just to go in there and see everything you can make it do, beyond just hitting GA. Apply the same timing to hitting your spacebar at different moments, just like the old SJ, or double clicking GA in different moments, to see how it affects your movements. IMHO, it a simplicity and ease when you need it, and some deeper variability that takes some time to get to know, just like the old SJ.

Yatta yatta yatta.

Good luck! Heal on.

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Nobody has ever mentioned it on these forums before, ever

In all the hundreds of thousands of Mercy topics that show up here, not once have I ever seen the words “prop bounce” being thrown around

Im glad it’s working well for you. Im glad they are trying to make her kit more accessible. As long as they clean it up im sure it will be fine.


Prop jumping is pretty well known in the mercy community there are videos of prop jump locations on YouTube. The forever falling into the illios well and bouncing out btw is prop bouncing.


I appreciate the in-depth post! I hope nothing I say comes off as rude, just being as blunt/straight forward as possible:


  • ALL prop jumps. Which alone is major. If you are playing with a Pharah and she flies over a wall in OW1, you can GA to her, hit spacebar when you hit the wall, and be shot straight up so you can fly to her. Same with if you hit enemy players or other objects. Losing this is a big deal. It also makes it much harder to do things like fall off the side of the map and GA back up over and over.
  • ALL manual Superjump variations. I.E. the ability to superjump earlier in the GA to go lower heights but retain more forward momentum.
  • Backwards GA


  • Nothing, except can SJ the same height over and over more consistently now, which shouldn’t have been an issue if you could do it correctly in the first place
  • Can SJ even when GAing super close to your ally, which is what I think is the best thing to come out of this change

I think the Beta 1 change was much better than this personally, as at least you
a) Still had prop jumps
b) Could now SJ at any point in the GA, even the very start without flying horizontally at all

And I personally thing the last Beta with both no GA changes and the Crouch to SJ change felt and performed better at staying alive in 5v5, but that’s just IMO

You can and it launches you up higher. The standard SJ you do seems shorter than OW1 SJ, so you have to use the Crouch version now to get up to very high ground

Mine too, it will always be low even if they remove SJ, I had low deaths back in dive meta before we even discovered SJ and only had spacebar slingshot. But even if your deaths are low, it restricts your ability to make bigger plays and bait enemy attention and aggro with fancy movement mechanics. It forces you to play safer to stay alive as long, which in turn makes you contribute less value to the team, IMO at least

You mean the V-superjumps where you start on highground and GA down to someone below and then SJ up? I’ve always been good at these but I know lots of people struggle with them, even Niandra can hardly do them. I think I just had a lot of practice with them. But the ability to do them consistently is very nice!

I also think though this change feels better than it is because it’s bugged to not put GA on CD if you let go of GA as soon as you superjump, so you can chain GAs endlessly now

Personally I don’t enjoy it and don’t enjoy the hero as much as I did in OW1 now, so I’m going to keep giving the Devs feedback on it, but luckily they said they are going to update her this upcoming patch so hopefully they make it feel/play better :pray:

I also think it should just plain be an OPTION. Keep it ON to have it how it is, turn it OFF to use OW1 GA. Everyone is happy.

You too!

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