Bug stuck in bronze 3

My rank changed in the middle of the season I went from silver to bronze the season before but that didn’t alarm me more than that, this season I started to play ranked games after 5 wins for little from lose my rank has not changed then 5 games wins later for about 2 or 3 games lose still not yet bronze 3. Again 5 wins later and 1 or 2 lose my rank has not moved again still stuck bronze 3, to specify I was almost in each game the top killer the top damage and the action of the game with very good stats. I think this is a bug because a friend of mine who always had lower stats than me and with whom we played the same games (in the same games) was able to rank up and be better ranked than me at the end of his first placement games. What can I do to fix this bug and can you help me?
can just a dev check my account because i’m sure it’s not normal please !
thanks in advance !


If you’re in bronze there is a reason and it’s not Blizzard’s fault this time.

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my friend with i did all the game so same win and same lose he had less stats than me i had more dammages more kill… but he went form b2 to a5


ye me and some of my friends have this stuck bug since starting…and now its 2023 februar and same bug…so pathetic…
no matters wich competitive mod, wich role, how many win or lose we are all stuck in the same place…
u can waste your time, your moral, your money but u will stay in the same spot
epic blizzard :smiley:


oh another legendary blizzard thing
we stucked in bronze 3, but my enemies always silver1-gold1 :smiley:
new matchmaking system working too :smiley:
and ofc dont forget, every second match there are afk bots, ranked leavers and softaim cheaters…but u can buy skins!


so literally the game is total broken from starting but u can buy nice skins for hundred and hundred euros :DDDDD

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From the description, that does seem quite likely. However, there is also a bug where some players are always promoted to the same rank they were at independent of wins, losses, and match based individual performance. In case this is another instance of that bug, I’m linking my post for those who’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put this thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment.


i really hope a dev just look at my bug and fix it because look at my friend just rank up when I taught them the game and I always have better stats with the same games, it’s hopeless

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Same boat. My buddies that are silver and gold have come into my games and STRUGGLED…and yet I have gone Bronze: 5 to 4 to 3 to 5 to 4 to 5 on support already in season 3. I’m disheartened. Even when I am carrying on support…doesn’t seem to matter.

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