Buffs to Mei's wall and ultimate

I think it would be neat if Mei’s wall would radiate a cold mist. Standing too close to it will slow you down a little and take small amounts of damage.

Meis ultimate is a blizzard so it should do damage in the sky as well. If someone goes through her ultimate like Phara she becomes frozen and falls to the ground.

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And why do we need MORE CC


Mei’s freeze is the easiest stun to avoid: if you have enought mobility you can escape it. Also i think Mei if she hadn’t all the bugs she has, she could be a reliable tank counters.

It’s not a bad idea, but i think the wall needs a bit of cooldowns tuning, but before some bugs corrections:

  1. Fix the wonky wall positioning (sometimes it spawns further or closer instead of the desired position)
  2. The wall blocks earthshatter properly

It’s quite useless IMO, because any hero with enought mobility can escape her ultimate. I would say first it’s important to fix the cast time of it and make it activate even if Mei gets stunned or dies, and then i would make his freeze effect activate faster.

BTW, i explain more things here and we discuss about Mei buffs/issues in the Mei-gathread: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/mei-gathread-does-mei-feels-balanced-and-underpowered-at-the-same-time

I think just Mei’s ultimate needs a slight buff,
besides that I think she’s fine.

No, Mei-n her and her wall is perfectly fine. Blocks tons of damage, can be used to isolate targets, block healers LOS, and allows for mobility to escape/flank/chase down mobile targets

A Ultimate with an unlimited sky box is far more OP then you might realize. Only thing it needs is possible 1 sec extension on the AoE or at the very a much smaller window in which to counter it.

Don’t want to see Mei nerfed because you make her abilities way to powerful.


It would be amazing if they could tune something that would arrest mobility heroes but not screw others. Some heroes have zero ability to get out of Mei’s ult.

Also, just becausr you built up an ult doesn’t mean you should get a free team kill out of it. Sorry, that isnt how things balance out