Buffs Mercy's rez during valk

Here is another idea, Remove it and change it to something else, its a dumb ability. The only reasons it exists are

  1. Your teammate died to his/hers own faults and you have to give them a second chance in the team fight
  2. You failed to keep your teammate alive, so you just slam that E key and poof, they are back.

This is just my opinion, don’t get mad at me lol

they are never going to remove it. They say its her “iconic ability”

Unfortunately, It’s already been confirmed for overwatch 2 and the devs have made it clear that a mercy rework is very unlikely to happen

Oh I know, bring back souls. Mercy can collect the soul then revive it elsewhere.

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Welp, time to 1 trick Mccree and none-stop target Mercy’s and not allow them to press E or play the game.

jk, im not that mean.

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My favorite is the last one but I’d prefer her range is increase after rez is initiated, maybe to 8m.

Basically, when you start a rez, you can’t go about 5.2 ms away from where the soul is. This change would make it so you still have to get close to start, but would allow you more ability to bend around corners/flow through the rez rather than stopping


yeah that makes sense so you have to be at 5m to activate it but you can move around and make yourself hard to kill by moving in the extend 8m radius once activated

As a Mercy main, while i agree the current Rez is awful due to nerf, some buffs makes her imbalanced

This was real when Mercy got reworked. But got removed for some reasons. Also teammates won’t die too often if you constantly heal them during ult.

Ok so there’d be no way to counter Resurrect during ult since she is unstoppable. That’s a bit OP.

Tbh it doesn’t really change that much. So probably no.

I see this a lot. ‘Not in a broken way’, however, I think buffing rez even just in valk would make her broken. Why take the strongest part of her kit and make it better? Imagine buffing Ana nade, bap immortality, Moira fade etc. It makes them stupidly effective.

I also see this. Like I understand it’s frustrating to cancel a rez but it’s also incredibly frustrating for the rez to go off. The fact she can be cc’d and knocked back to cancel rez is a good thing imo. Again, buffing the strongest part of her kit is just not a good idea.

None. Mercy needs a buff but it ain’t for rez.

As much as I like those changes, I gotte say, from an objective poiny of view, res is fine.

All I could think of for res, would be to decrease the cast time to 1.5s in general, it would be just as counterable but feel a little better to pull of.

What she lacks is healing. Sje is intended to punp out more healing than any other healer over the course of a match, which is not the case.

Just jncreaseing her healing back to 60hps would be the easiest and least frustrating way to go.

Before anyone tells me it is too much healing bla bla.

I am sure none of you even notice the difference in healing when the enemy Mercy activates her ult, so don’t act like it would turn her to a must pick or make her too strong.

It would literally just make her healing mire reliable when it comes to tanks and would turn her to a main healer again, thus making Mercy Lucio and Mercy Zen more viable.

She would still be miles behind Ana, vut would finally be considered an actual healer for her team, instead of crawling up a Ashe’s or Pharah’s butt all game long.

This is my favorite tho XD

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You don’t get slowed down if you rez during Valkyrie.

I would love it if there was a range increase on how far you can go from the target before canceling the Rez. Like even if you had to be within 5m to initiate the Rez, being able to go up to 8m away without canceling it would be really nice. This change would definitely increase the power a little bit, but IMO it would be mostly a QoL change. Popping Valk to go for a risky Rez and then accidentally turning a little too far around the corner because of the increased movement speed is such a feelsbad.

Reducing the cast time slightly without taking it all the way to zero is an interesting idea, though I feel like it’s already so much easier to pull off tricky Rezzes in Valk because of the increased positional option space, I dunno if it’s needed. Still, I haven’t heard anyone suggest that particular change before, so I like the suggestion regardless.

Resetting the Resurrect cooldown on Valkyrie would be pretty scary now that Echo is in the game though. It’s already kinda nuts that she can copy the enemy Mercy and Rez your team’s Mercy, who may herself have a Rez available, or pocket / bodyblock for Mercy through a difficult Rez.

Now imagine that you have two Mercys on the team who can each do 2 Resurrects in quick succession if they pop Valkyrie. That puts us back in Huge Rez / OG Valk territory (though, admittedly, it’s a bigger and riskier investment to have two players executing Rezzes with cast times). Duplicating a squishy is definitely a risky move, but it only takes 280 healing or damage for Echo-Mercy to build ult, so if she plays safe, she should get it pretty reliably.

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Oh no you do, it’s not as noticeable since Mercy’s own base speed is increased while in Valk.

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to OP: My choice, if allowed, would be to just switch both abilities and make Valkyrie the cooldown ability, while resurrect becomes it’s former freedom multi-res ultimate, but with line of sight fixes to address the issue it’s had before. But of the options you’ve given, I would most prefer this outcome below:

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no, rez shouldn’t be in the game. Remove it entirely.

No not entirely.

It has been this way since the boop changes (and Baptiste) were on the PTR.

They kinda caused a bug where she was not slowed at all, which I may add felt amazing. Then they kinda fixed it, but not entirely, she is still faster then she was when cast time valk res first became a thing.

But since the boop changes went live a lot of things happened with rez in valk.

Back then, if you used “bunny hop” during valk right before casting rez, it would almost always launch you so high and cancel the rez.

But now it is way smoother and can actually be used to quickly dash behind corners while rezzing.

Back then, you also couldnt use the crouch key to descend while you were ressing in valk, which now is very possible.

I remember being pissed about it not working, glad they “fixed” it.

So basically res got a huge QoL change since Baptiste and the boop changes went live.

the joy I feel knowing I am no longer the sole survivor of my species is abated somewhat by the fact that despite us being similar enough that some forum members have stated that one of us is a copy of the other, we disagree so completely on matters like this

I like Mercy as she is and would not want the changes tha are suggested above made to her - especially mass rez which is imo the worst power ever in the game

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That’s movement speed enhancement though. Redirect technically is not enhanced

I love playing mercy , she is super fun to play , but IMO she is really ducking balanced and the only thing that should be buffed (can remain as it is) should be the time taken to bring out pistol , can decrease just a little , other than that I think she is really balanced