#buffreapernow like RIGHT NOW!

#buffreapernow because of brigitte


He counters Brigitte…?
He can almost 3 shot her shield and 2 shot her if he’s close - the only thing that she has hat counters him is her shift and stun during his ult, but that’s basically a flashbang.


He’s so TRASH now. Even the slightest breeze hard-counters him. I’m actually being told to swap off of him. All these buffs going to other heroes have been nerfing the one hero who has only been getting QoL changes. You can’t even call them buffs. Think his new healing was a buff? Well you had to remove the old soul-globe from it to have it. -50% sound reduction to teleportation? Whoop-dee-doo, now people can only hear him 15m away. He can’t hit the broadside of a roadhog with his ridiculous spread.

The Double Concussion mine buff allowed Junkrat to counter Reaper even more and do his job far more effectively and at safer distances. The Sombra hack time buff meant “screw his only method of escape”, plus her spread reduction meant she could shred him at farther distances than he can hit her at. Now we get BRIGITTE. For those who didn’t know already, reduces individual pellet damage by half. That’s 7 damage per pellet to 3.5 damage per pellet. Add Brigitte’s healing on top of that and he’s as good as dead. Lets not forget her CC and knock-back abilities render his ult ineffective. Oh, speaking of ults, Brigitte’s adds 30 armor per second for a total maximum of 150 to whoever the hell is in an 8 meter area (this armor lasts until broken btw). Know how big Reaper’s Area of Effect is? 8 meters.

Let’s face it. This character’s just a meme and something needs to be done now.

Please, show your love and support for our edgelord here: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/reaper-help-hyperthread/19096


And that’s important how…? Brigitte doesn’t counter him, if anything he’s counter her shield and large hit box …

because now theres yet another hero that can stun Reaper while he ults and give armour to others thus making him weaker.


Unless he can kill her with her massive hit box…? Reaper in his current position can be played very well, all he needs is a teleport buff/rework.

anyone else? #buffreapernow


Way to give constructive criticism.

High quality reason if I ever saw one.

Pfft, not. Learn to give valid reasons as to why you believe a hero needs a buff. Maybe Blizzard will take it into consideration then.

Also… reasons should be in the main post. More of a chance that they’ll see it.

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theres so many topics…got tired of giving reasons everytime, its obvious why Reaper is weak.

Then in that case if Blizzard sees it then they see it.

Her armour brings his attack damage down for herself and with her ult + heal thing it can be armour for anyone else. Reaper is trash against armour because it takes his damage to 70 from 140. The shield has 600hp I believe so it takes 5 shots at meaty range which isn’t too good

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Blizzard really should care about their game instead of focusing on only Genji/Tracer.


They are not focusing on genji and tracer since they didn’t get any changes for a long time.

Devs are just too slow at balancing.

Would be nice, right?

“being edgy and the only hero that throw weapon and summoning a new one from the depths of hell instead of reloading, I like his design of bringing death to all but he’s not really good at harvesting souls.
Also, he got a satan skin :wink:
One with satanic symbol on his trench coat :stuck_out_tongue:
And he got dracula skin.
So yeah what’s not to love about his design?”
Ya it would be nice if DEVELOPER CAN JUST NOTICE HIM!
“Brigitte counters him. She is at the frontline with her teammates. If he engages her in a brawl, he gets stunned and dies. Not only that, she provide lots of armor with her Ult, which makes Reaper even less effective overall. In case she doesnt have shield bash available, she can boop him away with her flail on a 4 second cooldown. Playing Reaper into Brigitte comp will be pretty suicidal.”
And not to mention he can’t go from behind as his teleport is suicide, being loud and having 2 moments of being completely vulnerable to headshot, mc cree waiting to flashbang, reinhardt charge, junkrat trap, ana sleep dart, roadhog hook, doomfist doomfisting…etc

Brigitte counters him. She is at the frontline with her teammates. If he engages her in a brawl, he gets stunned and dies. Not only that, she provide lots of armor with her Ult, which makes Reaper even less effective overall. In case she doesnt have shield bash available, she can boop him away with her flail on a 4 second cooldown. Playing Reaper into Brigitte comp will be pretty suicidal.


ya, blizzard should just #buffreapernow

It’d help to mention what kind of buffs you want for him, you know.
Or are you just alright with anything as long as he gets buffed?

Reaper does not need buffs. He’s in a fine place

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There are suppose to be counters to ults. I understand you love Reaper, but there has to be counters to him.