#buffreapernow like RIGHT NOW!

have you ever thought that this isn’t because he is trash but because you are trash with him???

Shadow Step needs some love, for the loev of Jeff.
check muh topic about this terrible cooldown and how it could be changed…

h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/in-light-of-reaper-buffs-and-the-weird-lack-of-shadow-step-changes/53492

have you ever thought about why he’s getting a buff?

but that doesn’t change the fact that you may be bad with the character. My friend, who is a Reaper main, is currently climbing with me. And unless I’m carrying him (I’m not) he isn’t having any trouble.

oh yeah reaper is fine below diamond. because people are either drunk or doesn’t listen to footsteps or doesn’t track him or… they are bad.

Thanks for calling me bad dude, and you literally just hit diamond so I wouldn’t call people below diamond bad. Besides at your sr people still play like mid to high plat.

Uh dude go on the ptr.

I was 3400. i decayed.

Either way I’d hate to have you as a teammate you seem like you’d be the first one to get toxic.

idk why saying facts is considered “Toxic” but ok. blizzard also probably doesn’t add scoreboard so bad players could hide their stats in the match and keep playing high skill heroes without results.

facts according to you: players below diamond: drunk, don’t pay attention to enemy positions, generally god awful at the game. Seems legit.

Wat? Reaper needs 5 accurate shots at really close range to break the shield…

What? Brigitte counters Reaper.

It takes 5 shots to take down her shield, she can weave melee attacks in to do some damage/heal, she can push him out of his effective range, and she can stun him. Reaper is only good against Brigitte if she just stands there and holds left click.

Anything that has to get close to Brig is countered by her, that stun of hers is ridic- she also will proc her passive out of u, Reaper or Tracer are specially countered by her because of Armor and Reaper’s weakness to CC.

((((((((He’s already being buffed)))))))))))

[[[[[[[[[[[[Not enough btw]]]]]]]]]]]