Buffing Resurrect?

I know it’s not much for most heroes but Pharahmercy and Echomercy will be just that much more annoying to deal with.


It’s not often that Pharah or Echo die from environmental death pits so I think it’ll mostly be moot for them. The big thing I think is saving tanks or non-flying dps that were booped off imo.


Does it rez them back on the platform because if so that’s broken

U jinxed me


We were testing it just now with a friend but we can’t ress ppl who fall off the map as their portrait goes off the map as well so I don’t really understand. Anyone know how this is supposed to work?


Yeah, you can’t Rez people who fall off the map

It only means that if someone dies from height or maybe falls off a platform as they die…you can start the Rez in the air and it’ll stay in place…rather than falling and having to wait until the “spirit” hits the ground and then starting rez.


Its so niche and hard to pull off it actually affects nothing


one pick pharah and the other mercy. Fly together and as soon as pharah dies in the air press resurrect button and stay with the soul till rez ends. Thats it


Lol Pharmercy buff

Yeah I know but it’s so unnecessary and makes her annoying when it does happen

The dev comment has the main purpose of the change, the first line is straight up wrong from whats presented as change.

Mercy can now resurrect falling souls under the condition that the soul was created above a death plane, Mercy cannot undo environmental deaths.

So it really is very niche as you need to already be where the soul falls before it lands in the death plane and becomes useless.


I can’t wait to be resurrected over a pit when playing Zarya, Orisa, Reinhardt or Roadhog.


So far we’ve been testing it and seems u have to be really close to the Pharah as she dies to pull off the ress. It’s possible to catch the soul as it’s falling but a little difficult keeping up with it during the ress.

We noticed that if someone dies midair over the pit it doesn’t allow u to ress. We tried it multiple times over the Illios well, as well as outside of the map. Maybe we’re doing something wrong there or it really just doesn’t let u ress over it.

So what does this mean for falling soul ress? Since that seems to be the only application that is being affected by this change.

Do we have to start following around falling souls now in order to ress?

Pretty much yes. It’ll cancel otherwise.

Unfortunately my friends had to go but I’d like to do more testing on this later.

Ugh, so they mess around with resurrection now too.

There’s no way mercy can keep up with a falling soul if she has to ga there just to start the ress. Probably not even in valkyrie.

The soul stays in place during the resurrection according to the patch note.
It doesn’t keep falling. That’s the whole point.


Remains to be seen if it makes it possible to ress above pits or will pharahs and echos still fall to their demise during the animation before they can resume control of their characters lol.

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