Buffing Hanzo is a mistake

Buffing any spam hero is a mistake. We should all nerf damage shields and heals so people make do with their skill of hitting their freaking shot ?? For hanzo to be valueable he just needs to hit one out 100 shots anyway

Still sitting here waiting for soldier to be used for something other than a discount widowmaker

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It’s not as unskillful as OP made it sound, I for instance suck with hanzo, but it is much less intensive then other heroes and it just functions a lot differently.

Like what happens with hanzo and I think the function they designed for him is something like: hey the enemy is coming around the corner, if you are drawn and ready when they do make it around that corner, then you get the kill. Because you know the spot you need to be aiming before they’re even in your los to get the headshot. That’s still skillful and it sucks that the community doesn’t appreciate it. Like, you have to outsmart your enemy there. But that combined with storm bow combined with The fact that his draw speed is so fast and that it one shots and can randomly kill someone when they get in your face(plus out ranging him With widow being The most ideal counter play) kind of takes away from that.

It’s stuff like that and other similar uses that’s just an example.

I’m not great with him at all, and this is all anecdotal from trying to become good with him and reading/watching guides and talking to hanzo players.

More likely to have a lucky Hanzo than a good Widow. End result is much the same.

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I believe that widow should be the only person to be able to 1-shot 1 kill someone.
A widow deserves that reward because she went through a much greater effort compared to Hanzo.

Fir everyone saying “But Hanzo’s prijectile is one of the strongest in the game”

The arrow is very long and everything besides the tip also counts as a hitbox.

So if you are trying to mix up your mivemnt by peakjng or mivibg left and right, he still has a pretty good chance of seemingly randomly hitting you.

They should make the arrow only deal damage on the tip, increase the travel speed, fix Hanzo’s head hitbox and remove headshots and buff basic damage from his E.

A lot of the damage heroes are just being buffed up to the level of the busted ones, cause Blizzard can’t afford to nerf those ones cause of the size of the dps player base.

But that’s what you get for making damage actually fun, while making tank and support more like a job than an entertaining experience.

I dislike playing against him (to a much lesser extent than Widow though because dying to projectile which you can dodge is inherently less frustrating than getting oneshot by hitscan that you CAN’T dodge) but from an unbiased perspective: with 60 damage per storm arrow, you have to hit 4 bodyshots or 1 headshot 2 bodyshots to kill a 200hp hero.

So it’s literally not worth using against enemy heroes (only against barriers).

They never do and thats why the “balance” is trash. They fix AROUND the problem and never tackle it direcly.

Hanzo is bad because of the projectile speed nerf -> they buff spamm arrows

Moira deals so much dmage because of the beamhitbox -> they nerf the damage

Rein is so much picked because the other shield options are bad -> they nerf his passive

Bastions problem is the configuration speed -> buff the sentry mode

You see what I mean? They intentionally ignore what we say, buff or nerf the part that was never the problem and wonder why the problem is not solved.

lol widowmaker

deals less than m1 has the same speed, still needs to aim it

he’s probably aiming for your legs and taking advantage of your big head. stop dueling him.

i think that widow should be allowed to have high damage, because othervise she does have weaknesses… like up close she is terrible, and has very low mobility. and she does actually have to aim unlike hanzo.

it can headshot, doesnt really need to aim it

I NEVER dual a hanzo, i would have to be insane to do that

saying widow’s ohko is ok and hanzo’s isn’t is the most hypocritical, salty trash i’ve seen in a bit.

if you think that storm arrows don’t need to be aimed or that they’re easier to hit than primary fire, you don’t play hanzo. headshotting with storm arrows still deals less damage than bodyshotting with primary fire. their only saving grace is the fire rate, and missing more than once means the fight is over.

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It is true tho.
A widow needs to put in much more effort then a Hanzo.

A widow cannot just spam her shots and get a kill, unlike a Hanzo.
A Hanzo is living his dream when he just throws random arrows in a choke point.

Widows flicks demand much more effort then Hanzos, not only because she has to scope in, but also because the hitbox of the arrow is its entire lengths, widow just has a pixel.

When a Widow gets dived, she either has the choice to use her hook once, or die.

When a Hanzo gets challenged, he can either use his OP primary, spam the target with E, which, if he is getting attacked by Winston, is pretty easy to get headshots, or he can just leap out of the situation all together (i still have no idea why that ability was added)

A Hanzo E arrow does 60dps, 120dps if headshot, or if the changes go live, 140dps. And what does widow have? A smoke mine?

Hanzo also has wallhack arrow every 15 seconds, widow has the ultimate which needs to charge up.

And a Hanzos ultimate is almost a guaranteed free kill if you just send it towards a crowd of people.

I dont like widow either, but face it, some heroes are waaay better then others, and its unfair.

You cannot be a sniper and a spammer, a long range and close range, a high dps and have insane mobility, an anti flanker and an anti tank. Hanzo is all of this.

This is actually wrong. Someone a while back create a workshop to investigate Hanzo arrow, and the hitbox ends up being a small ball at the end of his arrow.

You can find more detail in this thread:

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literal joke

hard to hit

winston drops bubble

it’s like four meters

and a machine gun. and a nimble hitbox. and usually the high ground. and distance. and wallhacks.

his only utility aside from inconsistent instakills

if they’re dumb

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You say hanzo is easy, so why not play him? Go ahead and reach GM, you guys claim he’s easy mode and cheese and all that but none of you are reaching GM or top 500.

The forums here are just filled with bad players giving their bad takes. I’m really glad the dev team ignores all feedback from here. It’s all useless garbage; evident by this thread.

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The plan is to bully them to dps for 3-2-1

my man, you are absolutely right.

  1. i hate the hero, i rather play Bastion then be a cheap Hanzo
  2. before the “significant” Hanzo nerfs, Doom and Hanzo were all over the top 500 list.