Buff Orisa Please

Idk man, Rein doesn’t have an ability like KG, Fortify or Cryo-Freeze, he only has his barrier and the hope of a hard pocket support.
Seems risky.

It gets her out of OWL without nerfing her down to Bastion tier.

Even if she kinda sucks as a Tank, it’s better than the alternative

Along with a minor range nerf to halt and/or a slow reduction of halt I definitely agree.

That’s what playtesting is for :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, 90 damage per swing seems good to compensate, but 400 HP still is risky for when he’s not in his best range and pocketed.

You gotta think about his move speed penalty too.

Anyone could do it on a custom game to test though. Just need to raise his health to increse his barrier, then increase his damage received and decrease the healing receive to a 400 HP durability proportion.

Totally doable. So maybe 80 damage swings, but 10% less speed penalty when barriered?

Trade hp for a firestrike damage buff or something, maybe even fire damage. The point would be less face tanking, so Rein players aren’t so desperate for healing all match.

Does it? She’s has more competition in the dps roster, making Junkrat not a throw pick also gets her out of OWL.

Whatever is best for Mei though, I just feel like the solution kinda came before the logic with that one.

Well Mei is below Torb tier, and she’s need about 3 more nerfs to fall out of OWL.

Oh, and you gotta think about the regen too.
Right now he always get back 600 for 5 secs down time.

Double Shield is one of the worst things to ever happen in this game.
I wish they’d nerf the life out of all Shields even further so we could have an Offtank meta.
Atleast that way we wouldn’t have the “Double Offtank against 1 or 2 Shields = Throw” situation.
Plus Shields make the game so terribly stagnant.

I think they’re both good. When our tank makes a good play, guess who they swap to? Still Mei.

I think she needs time to settle, not a rework.

I guess. Would this really be a rework?

350hp up from 250, 100selfheal down from 150, 10sec wall revert down from 13.
Then move to Tank.

But imagine Rein 400 take a Widow headshot (which already could remove all his armor) then he is one clipped by Tracer.

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Yes. A role change is an automatic rework in a role locked game.

Well the idea here is that DoubleBarrier would be vulnerable to getting rushed down by Dive/Speedboost comps.

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That’s a good point, but it would be worth it if Rein got a better answer to that scenario in return, like possibly DoT damage on Firestrike or the ability to two-shot Tracer through Zen orb.

This is bringing back Dive and making deathballs irrelevant I guess.

More like DeathBall/Dive would counter Bunker.

If Blizz doesn’t want to do that ultimately there may need to be a change to Sigmas shielding capabilities in exchange for significant buffs to the rest of his kit. Such as a personal sized shield instead of a team sized shield. I just cant think of another way to make both viable without bringing back double shield. It’s a tough one.

But isn’t bunker gone? Like Orisa’s barrier is not suitable for a bunker anymore.