Buff Orisa Please

That could work if the goal was just tank balance.

But I’m kinda more interested in boosting Tank Role popularity.

But good thinking.

It already sucks in high elo lol, double shield is too viable already

Its interesting to see the different ideas on how to buff her

Imo, revert the 2017 damage nerf so no power is put into barrier or fortify.

Who ever thought Orisa needed all the nerfs she got lately must have been drunk. Orisa is absolut trash right now.

I think that would make her more popular. Orisa players pick her for her barrier, even “aggressive Orisas” like the ones I know would use her barrier for agression. This shift to face tanking is a slap in the face for her mains and a step away from more independent tank playstyles, that don’t feel like they’re on life support 24/7 like Rein does.

Reply or something if you saw this, we posted at the same time so im unsure if you did

Combining those ideas gets to be more interesting.

Less HP, More Barrier, More Firepower

Increase the barrier hp and reduce its cooldown, but increase the cooldown of Halt. Shift some power in the kit.

Double barrier is only a problem when you refuse to counter it. There’s a lot of barrier bypass and break options on the roster. People just don’t want to use them. People love their mains, I guess.

I think lowering Orisa’s hp will make double barrier much easier to counter for dive heroes.

Right, but that begs the question of what would happen if that logic was applied to all barrier tanks.

Less HP, more Firepower, more Barrier

Maybe not Winston tho

But Rein/Sig/Risa

I’d be 200% down for that. Hp is not a renewable resource for barrier tanks, their barriers are. They would be less reliant on outside help from teammates and their combat cycles would focus more on their own kits.

That is why Sigma is my favorite barrier tank, he leans into this philosophy

It also would have a natural benefit for Double OffTank, that maintain their beefy HP

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She needs that awesome ability that the OR15 robot had in the Honour and Glory short where she suddenly unleashes a huge-@#! sword on her arm and hits nearby targets for 100 damage in a cone!

Cuts Tracer in half!

And it would make off-tanks more important for enforcing space, without necessarily compromising main tanks.

I have wanted a sweeping change like this for a long time but instead the devs be giving Orisa more hp :pensive:
Has is helped anyone? No. Double barrier was counterable in the past because barrier tanks had the same weaknesses, making the extra barrier overkill.

Now, Orisa is a main tank/off tank hybrid, she is more oriented towards double barrier than ever. Why would she need a Roadhog anymore? She has almost as much hp as Reinhardt.

This thread in a nutshell.

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I’d make a thread about my idea but I don’t think people care much about threads like that unless its by a forum god

Lol thanks, I’ll make something later tonight.

Credits in the comments section.

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Well, if we can have a 350 HP Tank on the roster, we could have Mei 350 on the roster too? Both would have a “barrier”.

Well imagine a 400hp Rein, with a 2000hp barrier, and 90 damage hammer swings.

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I don’t think Mei as a tank is a question of “can they?” Its a "should they’

Her most hated aspects are what give her tank qualities

Idk man, Rein doesn’t have an ability like KG, Fortify or Cryo-Freeze, he only has his barrier and the hope of a hard pocket support.
Seems risky.