Buff my boy roadhog please!

Come on now! 45% winrate is not healthy for any character! He’s in a worse state than he was before.

Consider these experimentals please:

  1. shorten his ult - same damage - less time - means more dps
  2. change his bullet spread - 20 bullets with 8 damage
  3. change the spread of his right click ball (it’s very useless currently) - make it tighter.

Please, at least experimentals!


your boy has 53-54 avg winrate in gm. Get Better.


He doesn’t. He isn’t played anymore.

who is this ?


He’s much worse than he ever was, they took away his fire rate and his extra ammo. And they buffed his damage and then took it away and now we are left with crappy Hog. So now people are using him like he’s still good and he’s not

Hog needs neither a buff nor a nerf at this time. He could maybe use a rework, but we don’t need a Hog who is more lethal than he is now. It never works that out well.


He has the same pickrate as Reinheart in GM right now and a 54% winrate

He’s literally doing better than he was before they even buffed him last month

The Double Shield and ranged DPS nerfs made him better than he was before.


Would be nice if he could cancel his Ult partway through.

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That one would probably be okay. Although his vulnerability during it is supposed to be a tradeoff

I don’t think channeled ults are really much the best Ults except for Zen Ult.

His ult is pretty versatile. Certainly not the best tank ult, but it does it’s job pretty well. He and Moira both have the same problem where it sometimes feels like it goes on a bit too long and get killed because they lost their abilities though.

I wouldn’t mind both of them being able to cancel, but only after they are forced to channel for at least a couple of seconds so that there is actual risk to their ults still.

Although Moira doesn’t really need a buff so maybe not her, for now.

Delete suggestions like this from the face of the earth from now on, please.

His ultimate currently is a suicide button.
His attack speed is very slow
He has 5 bullets - leading to 16.7% more reload on a VERY slow reload time. HUGE downtime for a tank. No other tank has this huge downtime - all that time being useless. He cannot be useless for any period of time, he’s not a dps who can run into shadows.

He turned into a hook bot unfortunately. He just does not work.
He is in a much worse state that before. He had absolutely no useful buffs and got his a hard dps nerf that nerfed all his aspects. The spread pattern does not benefit roadhog, the hook change benefits bad roadhogs.

He needs these experimentals at least, maybe some of them will go through and fix him already. He should not be a hook bot, he should be a tank buster. And that he is not.

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Why can’t we just revert the firerate and bullet count?

Yes, I’ve played him recently and had to try to adapt my playstyle. It’s definitely more methodical shooting and thinking can’t be willy nilly and must reload more. It’s not a bad thing, but I think they could give roadhog a little more.

That would be the best option. He was not overpowered then and was always a throw pick. Now he’s even a harder throw pick. He just does not work.

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