Buff Mercy's Ultimate

I just want Valkyrie to heal main target for 100, 50 for everyone else. Give her some skill expression and influence over battles. Right now she can heal for up to 300 per second during Valkyrie. 100 main target, 50 everyone else would still remain at 300 per second and raise her skill ceiling a bit.


I honestly like that idea as well, like you said it doesnt change the numbers of hps, I like that change but I still really wanna push for 1 instant rez during Valk. it sucks when im rezzing and im a frozen statue for 1.75 seconds tbh.

I would just like the transition to be instant, I don’t play Mercy a lot but I am pretty sure when you activate Valk you stop healing for a critical second or so, and have to re lock your beam. If your in a tight spot and think of using your Ult it’s the worst time to stop healing.

Other than that I would like the flight controls to be a bit better… double tap jump to drop or something. Some times it’s very annoying trying to get down after taking off.

As for Rez, meh I think it could use some love but it’s the most controversial ability in the game I think. So I really can’t see anything being done to it people won’t complain about.

If I had to suggest a tiny tweak perhaps increase the range Mercy can rez at while in Valk. Instead of 5m, make it 10 or even 15? Make there no vertical limit perhaps so you can rez up in the sky. IT’s still one rez per Valk, assuming you didn’t use one before popping your ult. But at least it would making using the ability easier in a dangerous situation.


Yeah I agree, the only reason why I’m pushing for instant rez during valk is because thats what the game devs promised us Mercy players when they reworked her. They promised an enhanced kit but honestly for me at least, the feeling of popping Valk and then still rezzing while being a statue is what makes me hate the ult so much.

To an extent? Valk does the following:

  • Stronger healing
  • Longer beam range
  • Chain beams
  • Health is always regenerating
  • Free flight
  • Extra movement speed (both by default and during guardian angel)
  • Longer guardian angel range
  • Infinite pistol ammo
  • Faster projectile speed
  • Can see every enemy health bar

Sounds like quite the enhancement, which is why I think it’s one of the best support ults. Rez is already easier in Valkyrie because of obvious reasons.

The only thing I don’t like is how it interrupts your beam when you cast it.


Stronger healing I would argue tbh, 60hps is not strong healing compared to the other supports especially since it was her base healing output for 2 and a half years. Everything else you listed you are correct those are enhancements to her kit whilst in Valk except for Rez. Thats the point I’m trying to argue, why is it that theyve buffed all of her abilities except for the one that matters most? She’s already a niche pick as it is in the current meta (literally C-tier) so why not make most of the Mercy community happy and still not really make that much of a difference (since you said yourself its pretty easy to pull it off in Valk) by just giving us an instant Rez whilst in Valk? It’s the right thing to do, especially since her ultimate is arguably the WEAKEST out of all the other supports with the exception of Baptiste in most cases.

I feel like whenever she pop ultimate, it should do a burst AoE healing of 100hp


Whenever Mercy successful resurrect a fallen teammates, an AoE burst healing of 100hp would be activated.

Other than that, I think Mercy is fine and fun, but then again that is so subjective.

What I’d like to see changed

  • Transition is instant or it lasts longer with a better animation and making you immune while transforming
  • Reduce the duration to like 8-10 seconds
  • Remove the range restriction while reviving during Valkyrie after you begin reviving
  • Remove speed penalties while reviving during Valkyrie

If Valkyrie must stay I’d prefer a much more potent and focused main beam while the chain beams either get their output significantly reduced or no chain beams at all. This would provide Mercy players with some decision making during Valkyrie, no excuse for hiding in a doorway while going afk for a moment to get a drink. I’d also be happy to sacrifice the ‘unlimited pistol ammo’ and have a reduced duration of say… 8-10 seconds, if it means the ultimate ability felt like it had more potential impact to offer her teammates.

As for resurrect, I’d prefer it if the cooldown (longest in the game for a ‘standard ability’) was turned into a chargeable variant. This charge could be lost either in part or completely if Mercy was killed, adding some risk. You couldn’t just resurrect someone at the beginning of the round either. In return, it could have some of the restrictions in place lifted a little (e.g. slightly less cast time, slightly longer range, ability to use pistol or staff while casting, or something… at least one of the examples anyway).

She continues to be a regularly discussed topic, which is understandable and won’t really stop any time soon.

Yeah let’s not buff Mercy for the time being and see how things play out.

Good talk.

Btw I’m all for brain storming and stuff, but like Ana ult got a single target burst heal on activation and people be like

Do you really undestand how potentially powerful that could be? Cuz what you say makes me feel like you don’t.

This forum underestimates or overestimates the potential of any given change hard. There is a severe lack of level headed assessment.

Right now, Mercy is in a good spot, and theoretical changes to her have a great possibility to mess that, and the meta, up.

Official forums… Swear to God. If you want to enjoy this game, avoid this cesspool of nonsense.


Instant rez isnt happening. People would hold Valk just to instant rez, or hold rez just for Valk.

Mercy also needs 0 buffs, so thats a factor too.

this sounds kinda familiar

I don’t think thats a thing

Some other supports have to hit with healing - a miss equating to no healing at all

Some other supports have limited healing resource

Some other supports cant heal through barriers

Some supports cant easily get to the positions of vertical and/or fast-moving characters to deliver their healing

Mercy has none of these limitations

Thats part of why her healing remains powerful compared to other supports despite the max potential number being lower

Their original reasoning and description dont matter now, we already lived through instant rez mercy. It was a massive issue and was broken for months, hence all the nerfs. She was still a must pick at 60hps being the only difference from live. No, she does not need a buff due to an ability description, we already learned how it is broken. Zero reason to repeat this.

Also to point out the obvious, mercy is currently doing well in terms of pick and win, why buff her to change this?

Enhance? She can move when she does her rez. That’s enough. Stop asking for so much. Instant would be too overpowered because it’s extremely low risk for high reward.

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Wasn’t the insta rez taken away because that was part of the problem with the Mercy Meta?

I think there is data to say Rez (even in Valk) can’t be instant. However, I agree, it would be nice to have a buff for Rez of some sort:

  • Can be performed at a range
  • Invulnerable to damage, but not to stuns and such. (edit: nevermind the headshot thing)

Something so Valk is literally enhancing everything in Mercy’s kit.

The 4th most picked out of 30 heroes is far from niche.

it is, you can check on the live servers rn.

no her ga cooldown has always been 1.5 seconds, its never changed