Buff JQ not braindead Orisas

Please reward hard tank heroes not braindead ones like Orisa, Hog and Mauga. Sadly dumb and mechanically bad players can compete with skilled players who play tanks such as JQ.

  1. Rampage should be CC immune
  2. Axe should cut through Genji deflect

I’m already fearing that they are buffing Orisa. A dev lied that Orisa underperforms yet she is one of the most played tanks in TOP500.

Increase Orisa cooldowns because she requires no cooldown management skill, only braindead spamming. Nerf Fortify further and bring back damage fall-off
Nerf Mauga burning on tanks.

Before the Season 9/ 10 changes Cassidy was almost always an underperforming hero

Yet he was still one of the top DPS picks regardless

Sombra also underperforms, yet according to the forums, is one of the strongest heroes in the game

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And your suggestion to do this is…

Make Queen just as brain-dead… Good job.

I love queen, she is perfect how she is, the problem is that the game is currently in a state where playing tank in general just sucks, so these brain-dead numbers heroes are the only ones that have an impact.
imo jq should be the yard stick that the game is balanced around (much like Winston, the game is good when she is playable) all of the tanks should be brought to her level either by buffing or nerfing as is necessary, not by buffing her.


Ironic isn’t it? There’s a line between something being too counterable and something having relatively fair counters but also has high reward if you play around then.

Queen ult has already has a good balance between risk and reward, why ruin that and make the hero less fun for everyone? The reason people like queen is because she’s fair. If you lose a team fight to rampage you probably got outplayed.

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lq DOES NOT need further buffs and no rampage shouldnt

The forum stats are what stats look like when they aren’t stats but rants cause stubborn people won’t adjust strategy but it’s easier to make a rant post on forum than to learn to adjust playstyles or improve in game.