Buff DM to 4 seconds

Great majority of the forums and CCs think Dva DM lasts 4 seconds so lets prove them right for once and buff it to last those exact 4 seconds :3, surely they wont even notice the change :3




Idc about the duration, but the 15 meter DM range is surely what I miss more.


So many people think that it’s 4, we might as well make them right. Then we could nerf it to 3 and claim victory! Look at this tweet from Samito. Apparently him and 2000 of his closest friends don’t even know it’s 3 seconds. How embarrassing for them.



I am down for it even if she is a growing girl and eats every last Fire Strike in the fridge. She hungry!

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True, if hog can have a 20m chain surely dva at least can get a 15m range to protect hooked teammates


Samito says it’s 4 seconds so to cover and save face for him we should make it 4 seconds.

Not because she needs it but because it’s right thing to do… for samito.


i think its glitched as it hasnt been lasting as long as it should sometimes

One fix Dva needs is for the graphic of her DM to match what it is in game. They nerfed its range and sides slightly back in OW1, but not the in game projection of it, so sometimes shots get buy that you could swear you should have ate. Either undo the nerf since she is the solo tank, or fix the graphic to match the current hitbox of DM.


Right, so many people also think she is invincible and can thanos snap people out of existance, we should buff dva to those levels to make them right, MAKE FORUM DVA A REALITY!!!

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I mean if people are going to complain anyway why not make their complaints into actual reality?

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I dunno. We’ve been there; done that for years with 4 second DM. I think it’s time we break new ground and go for a 5 second matrix!

There are many other stats to Defense Matrix that we can alter too.


  • Buff its 1-second forced wait time before it can be activated again.
  • Buff its 1-second forced wait time before it begins recharging after use.
  • DAE think, cosmetically-speaking, that DM looks awfully bright? Remember all the complaints about there being too many on-screen effects?? Can’t see what’s going on because of being blinded by all the flashy abilities? Yeah, let’s tone down the brilliant glowing lasers.
  • What about regaining charge whenever D.Va absorbs damage? It can be a static, one-size fits all recharge for all damage blocked (boring), or regenerated energy can be proportional to the damage absorbed. Just imagine: tuned correctly, we could potentially have infinite uptime while eating nano-boosted bastion spam! :drooling_face:

There are many, many other aspects to D.Va’s kit we can creatively buff…


  • The mech design:
    • Moving her crit box behind the mech where it belongs on top of the mech where it belongs, since that is where the power core is canonically located.
    • Finally installing the tactical crouch module
    • Installing high tech Active Armor. Being hit by plasma and explosives while still having armor points left results in an explosion at the contact point, giving D.Va the exact same damage-reduction protection she (and all tanks) enjoys now from armor, but the resulting explosions from the special armor itself means that any nearby enemies are also potentially harmed. (Respect D.Va’s space!)
  • Boosters
    • Hover boosters!
    • Reverse thrusters!
    • Barrel rolls!
    • Installing afterburners on her boosters!
    • Absorbing damage with Defense Matrix recharges boosters
    • Dealing damage with boosters recharges boosters
    • Scoring kills by ramming with boosters active recharges boosters
    • Increasing the brightness of D.Va’s boosters, so that merely looking at her while she’s boosting temporarily blinds you!
  • Fusion cannons:
    • Overclocked fusion cannons- faster spinning cannons = faster firing rate!
    • Cold fusion technology- shooting enemies slows and eventually freezes them, just like Mei.
    • Fast neutron fusion technology. Opposite of cold fusion. Because we need more fire type DOT abilities and the burning effects look really cool.
  • Targeting computer upgrade:
    • Tapping the use key locks D.Va’s aim onto the nearest enemy highlighted by her targeting reticle, keeping her fusion cannons trained on their heads bodies.
    • Smart Bomb Active homing tech for Self-destruct now allows the bomb to follow whatever locked-on target D.Va has designated, even around corners! :smiling_imp:
  • Micromissiles:
    • Just remove these already, good grief. :weary:

I got you :wink:

•Micromissiles removed


Bunny hopping
-Now dva can jump constantly and hindering the enemies in a radius dealing stomp damage


They could make it last 30 seconds idc I become a Symmetra main when I see dva in my lobbies

Nerf sombra

How dare they make a tank like dva meta, I swear no man ever plays dva and that is why they won’t make her meta.

Skill issue.

Thats from hots right ? Or something similar to what they have


What in the skill issue.


Good reminder that most Top 500 balance hot-takes are about heroes they have little or no actual experience with. They can be safely discarded most of the time.


Yeah from HOTS, it was pretty funny


I hate DVa with a passion–she just hard counters my favorite DPS heroes–but as a flex tank player, it’s easy to see how bad the top-500 balance suggestions are.