Buff bastion please?

The funny thing is that even back before the rework bastion was pretty weak and all we wanted was faster transformation times. That’s it. We got a rework in a direction that bastion shouldn’t go and a nerf that killed the entire style of him. I enjoyed him a lot more back then.

  • reduce spread by 50%
  • give sentry headshots back
  • remove Ironclad
  • ammo reduced from 300 to 200

Exactly. This. Please.

Maybe someday we will get a Blue Post?
Like all those Mei And Reaper mains, Who asked and got one Within 5. Hours.
-.- I’m not Salty? Who’s Salty?


It’s been over a year without any attention for our little robot friend… why should it change…

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Seconded. Blizzard, please weigh in.


The 2-3 shot thing is real , but did u ever try do it in competitive ? when you have to focus on other things than that ? its preety hard to do it

well, to be fair they fixed his bug.

thats not pretty massive , rarely happens

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Maybe it’s smaller, but is it slower to bloom and faster to recover? There’s much more to accuracy than the maximum spread size.

And yes, fixing the Tank Bug was nice, but not major. Tank Mode has so many other problems that I never really noticed one more.