❄ BTC Mei Tank Rework

Yep it’s really annoying when people post wanting a character they play a lot to be changed…I can’t think of anyone else who does that…

I don’t think it’s the fact that these people are being given too much credit its more like a different approach to a solution of on a problem that not many have considered, shared themselves, or even thought of. Personally I kinda want to see where this goes. It could be solving a few problems than just what to do with Mei.

Yeah, or Sombra.

Each could fill that role.

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As with Bastion, I think there are fundamental reasons why Mei should not be a tank, and aesthetics and personality are only the smallest part of that.

Fundamentally, it has to do with how space is made, and how that differs broadly between tanks and DPS, even if there may be many further spectrums within each.

Of all the tanks, Roadhog and situationally D.Va are the closest to taking space in a “DPS-ish” manner, where their threat may pressure an area (predominantly just Mercy-less airspace in D.Va’s case, but you get the idea).

But, they each at least have the sustainability, be it largely solo (Hog) or in coordinated effort (D.Va) to continue to threaten that area, and from close enough to that area to adjust. In that sense they truly can, even if indirectly, take that space through their threat.

Compare that to snipers, who arguably pressure the greatest area of space in the places they are best utilized.

Bastion and Mei are each something of a bastardized hybrid. Bastion is arguably the most DPS-y of DPS, where he has the least personal sustain and relies entirely on his threat, while Mei’s perceived threat (though it may often actually amount to less than pure Secondary spam unless her team can follow it up) is nearly melee-range and she has the sustain tools to hold that space near to her.

Of course, we could say the same for Reaper so long as he’s not immediately focusable – or even, potentially, Tracer or Genji, through their evasion-inflated TTD and low range on their optimal damage-dealing.

This doesn’t make Mei a tank, though. Rein doesn’t become a tank only once he starts swinging his hammer, nor D.Va only once she dives in to rocket. It’s the presence, and the movement and opportunities they enable, that makes them tanks. **Mei, on the other hand, works like any other DPS in that she enables teammates only insofar as she disables or pressures out enemies. ** However supportive or space-taking that may seem, her toolkit places that thoroughly in the style of a DPS, not a tank.

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I would say that might be true in 1/3/2

But not 2/2/2

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Hmmmm I don’t know, implementing an experimental gamemode sounds too difficult, there’s no way they will ever do that.

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It’s precisely in 2-2-2 that these distinctions are most obvious…

Not gonna repeat myself today.

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It’s bad and you should feel bad for trying to think Mei as a Tank is better then if she were a DPS. Also the Damage debuff is so broken strong. Imagine being slowed down and losing damage so by losing the ability to escape the 2 dps that don’t require Mei can’t even be killed cause you lost some damage and now you can just get slowed down and mauled to death. And Now Mei has more Health thus making her even harder to deal with.

Mei Needs to be a support with less health. Mei is a Support more then she is a Tank. and if you disagree I can understand that but think of Mei as a Support that helps the team. Think how Mei CAN support.

I love this and would love to see this in an experimental card.

I played at launch and she was my absolute favorite. I recently returned to the game and really miss being able to play her regularly. With how situational she is, I cannot count on being able to use her effectively as a DPS.

I like how she functioned as an off-tank ‘Defense’ hero originally and would love to have her in my rotation with Zarya or D.Va when we have a main tank already.

This would definitely have me queuing Tank more frequently.

Finally someone that agrees. Also Imagine playing against Rein-Mei-2DPS-2Supports. With Mei being a tank it would be like playing 2 Tank- 3 DPS- 2 SUpport

The main reason why people find this idea better is most likely that he actually made an effort to test the idea through the use of the workshop to see if it could work.

Usually BTC spouts out a lot of BS. Mei doesn’t need to be a tank, just straight up needs just nerfs.

i really want this too happen

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Just wanted a Dev to comment more In-depth on rework possibilities

I agree. Although its kinda sad to see how much common sense and care for the health of the game is continously displayed by some creators while the devs continue to choose inaction when its pretry obvious for everyone else there needs to be changes.

Hopefully Valorant forces their hand into actually caring for once.

i mean i do that too with most of my suggestions :stuck_out_tongue:

whats the code for mei being a tank?.At this thing you should not forget the code. If you forget to give it too, no one will play your IDEA and you can even do forget it too… so do not forget to GIVE it please.

its in the description of the video:
Overwatch Mei Tank Rework Workshop Code: 12F90

oh thanks c: i thinked doom fish would give me but thanks for giving me.