Bronze widow shouldn't be a thing

I’m not flaming widow -.-

Good :slight_smile:

Let people play what they want, they are not the reason you lose, YOU (OP) are the reason you are at your rank. You will climb once you learn more about the game and start enabling your teammates. There is no shame in being a newbie, it is great actually. Get better, learn the basics and you will climb no doubt

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Thats one of the many reasons you are at your elo. You think to much about what your teammates doing, instead of thinking what you are doin wrong and how to carry yourself to higher elo, i gues you still care about wining, because of complaining about ally widows. But the maint reason for loosing is simple - you cant win this games by yourself, but have to.

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By being new to FPS and continuing to play on a losing streak. That was it mainly for me. I fell from my placements at 1600 to 1000 sr.

I climbed up by watching a couple videos on how to climb out of bronze, learning how to counter certain heroes, and just getting better at shooting and aiming, learning how to flex to main tank and also learning how to play my favourite DPS (Symmetra) on attack 2CP or escorts and use her teleport more. Also a but load of game sense that I had to learn, which I mainly did through watching streamers and asking questions.
I am climbed about 550 sr after getting on a huge win streak mainly playing Symmetra and Mercy with the occassional Orisa.

People like me need some time in bronze to learn how to play the game because they haven’t played anything like this before. Or to learn that when you are on a losing streak you need to stop playing.

(Also plenty of people in Bronze because their computers are too bad to handle Overwatch so they are playing on 15 fps)

Hmm… my PC 11 years old but usually I have 60 fps. I just play as bronze player, less reaction, coordination and more mistakes than silvers, that’s all. And I don’t care who picks Widow in my team, I’m watching my play only. If I die too much I’m switching regardless of hero. So stop blame others and look at yourself.

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So you threw by picking a hero you’re not comfortable with in order to force a teammate to play a hero they are even less comfortable than on Widow.

It really doesn’t matter if you switch later. You already did your team a huge disservice.

When they get good at her, they won’t be bronze for long. Plenty of good widow players started one tricking her there.

Yeah but that’s the case for every hero. Except until them, bronze widow are worse than leavers.
They could train in qp or in FFA, since widowmaker doesn’t require teamwork to perform anyway. They only have to click heads.

It’s not like silver widow, though.
Silver players can be afraid by widow. They might go to a hero they are less comfortable with to counter widow.
Bronze players don’t care, they’ll shoot the widow. And the widow will spend half the game dead.

Losing streak, blizz sr keeps hammering your losses and barely rewards your wins & leavers…