Bronze widow shouldn't be a thing

Widowmaker is the only worthless hero in bronze. She’s never useful in any ways.
Her ult isn’t worth it, her venom mine will hardly ever kill a thing and bronze widowmaker can’t aim.
Bronze widowmaker are feeders. They bring no value. They won’t even push the payload or contest point.

In bronze, every other hero can be useful some ways. Hanzo and Genji’s ults can be useful. Genji and Tracer are annoying to deal with.
Hammond can roll around payload.
Ana can use biotic grenade. Ashe can use dynamite and Bob. Mccree can fan the hammer.
Even Winston can do some work.
Widow isn’t useful in bronze.

Disable widowmaker in bronze games.

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You are bronze, then why did you played Widow this season ?


If I play widow, my teammates can’t play widow.
And I can switch off later.

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Genuine question. How does one actually get into bronze?


read the post above you and you know


Right but this guy is a Mercy main. How can someone be bronze playing mercy? I just cannot fathom that.

You just… heal your team…

But in the end it doesn’t change anything, because you too become useless with Widow.

The only thing you actually do is shooting on your own feet.


how does one get to bottom 500 without throwing :thinking:?


Why are you so concerned with which hero your teammates play terribly? This might be part of the reason you’re there


it’s the attitude

with the right mindset everyone can reach gold, no matter how bad they are mechanically


Nope, Widowmaker is great in bronze.

She’s as good or as bad as every hero in that rank, with players of like skill.

Bottom line is Bronze is the only rank where people can actually play by the rules that Blizzard set, without getting mass reported for characters you think they shouldn’t be playing.

Sorry, all the characters in the game are allowed as long as there are no duplicates on the team. If you don’t like 3 snipers, or 6 DPS or whatever, that’s on you, and it’s your job to try to either get on the mic and convince people, or play with them and try to win regardless of what they pick because they are absolutely allowed to.

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I have lost every bronze match I’ve played in where there was a bronze widow on the team. If they could aim well enough to play widow, they wouldn’t still be in bronze.

I don’t agree with disabling her. But I do groan internally whenever I see one. I try to play to her strengths, but in the hands of a bronze player, she doesn’t have any. And pretty much every time she’s selected, the player is asked to switch, and refuses. It’s a troll pick in bronze, probably in silver too. And the players who pick her know it.

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it can always be that infamous smurf-widow :smirk:.

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I get the frustration, and what’s sad is this is really on Blizzard designing characters that are not well used throughout the spectrum of skill. It’s awful design to have certain characters better at low tiers, and certain better at high tiers. But this is why this game is fake competitive to me.

A bad widow can be helped, out, I think, and I’ve played from Bronze to gold. To me, the very best thing you can do to help a low skill widow out is disrupt the enemy team…which is a good idea anyway. So the widowmaker can take her 1 million shots to finally hit something. And if, in the end, she doesn’t, well it’s a lost gam. Could have lost that game for any other reason.

I weirdly agree with the OP in nabbing the widowmaker before another person does. It’s a smart way to block off a character at least temporarily withing the rules. Especially if they aren’t on mic (and talking seldom resolves things). I mean, they might switch back later but it gets the point across and at least maybe helped out by. Of course, nothing is stopping them from picking Hanjo, or McCree, or Ash, et. etc.

And I think that’s the issue. You can heal all you want if teammates never get pass the choke, it’s useless.
I have a better winrate with Hanzo.

Yes a bronze widowmaker will be pretty bad, so will every other hero in bronze. If you are the same rank, you contribute to your team losing.

As someone else suggested above, instead of blaming someone for your losses, start thinking about how to help them out, this is when you start winning.

I remember when i was in silver and new to widow, i had a teammate on monkey who just stayed with me, and protected me from any divers. This let me take extra shots with my trash aim and get those kills. We won, because instead of moaning about my trash aim he helped me out, in return he won with me and the whole team won, because we had the right mentality and didn’t blame each other

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So then why is bronze mercy a thing if you’re not really helping your team?

Regardless of whatever hero your teammates are playing, you should support them, encourage them. You have any idea how scared people are of picking heroes like Widowmaker from bronze - plat? They know the pressure that’s on them to do well, and that if they don’t overperform or carry their team for a second (being hyperbolic, of course), they’ll get grief from their teammates.

That Widowmaker you see in bronze is their first step to becoming a good Widow.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,


Because people are bad in bronze, and as mercy you don’t have much of an impact on the game.

So it is a throw pick the same way then, yes? Why flame the widow who can potentially pop off even with bronze level teammates