Bronze player deserves to be higher

you literally are.

I’ll talk you again when you played on your main and proved either me or you wrong.


so if i were to climb the other account - not that i have any intention of playing more at this time- you’d also accept that you’re wrong?

If you fall on your main, would you accept that you are wrong? =]


Totally agree, the more automatic something becomes, the less resources you’re using in-game to process it all. To your point, if a person has done 100 VOD reviews, their decisions in match ARE going to much more closely reflect what they’d do in match than someone who’s done 1 or 2 or none, which is something I should’ve considered when I wrote the post.

When I’ve gone back and watched games of why my mercy wasn’t healing (I’m gold/plat by the way), the first thing that shocks me is how often not-so-great Mercys just don’t look around. They don’t have that “spidey sense” or to put in different terms, that paranoia, that something bad on a flank could be coming their way. As a result, they also usually fail to notice as often as they should a teammate in need of help. Situational awareness is really low. I can’t understand why these people aren’t using Mercy liking a pinball in a pinball machine, bouncing all around the map assisting people on small 3-5 second long mini-missions. Her mobility is just so powerful, but people don’t use it. And they don’t damage boost at this rank hardly at all. I can never understand it.

And most of us got one as standard issue equipment when we entered this mortal coil. Nice :slight_smile:


Yes (20 characters…)


No, then it’ll be “rigged matchmaking to force him back to 50% WR”.


As long as you see the point I’m making that’s all I care about.

And I get it. Sometimes we play Captain Hindsight (as Pyah calls it :innocent:) here without giving a lot of context.

The corresponding idea is, if you’ve spent hours hitting easy shots, when you’re making easy shots in-game, you’re able to commit more resources to thinking about your next move, next decision while maintaining your composure.

So when someone says they’re unable to focus on multiple in Overwatch, I don’t get mad or call them bad. The reality is they’re just too inexperienced and still get Competitive Anxiety (there are a few forum posts on the matter).

I remember bro… :hugs:

Or anyone really…

And this is why I win more games if I smurf.

Aside from the fact that my mechanics are better, my timing is better, my awareness is better, and “I’m just better.” :wink:

On the real though, if your Ashe player is focusing on my tanks, that’s when I choose to engage them, rather than taking a head on fight. Yes I can probably win it, but why should I work harder when they’re already distracted?

Your Ana is tunneling on heals? Don’t mind if I double blink and go for the 1-clip.

Mercy’s rezzing without checking who’s around? Uh… Hanzo exists for this reason :smirk:

My experience from Masters games is players are very situationally aware (and yet you can still catch them off guard often) what changes is how you time your engagements, using cover much better, target focus, target priority (a big one nobody takes advantage of, feel free to check out my comments in the VOD I did on here for another player), as well as pathing and map control.

Great Mercys do play this way. Diamond/Masters is full of them.

Its also full of boosted Mercy OTP’s too who just pocketed a smurf to climb rather than learning the game :roll_eyes:

Its why she’s great in Dive.

That’s why you see me saying:

“The games not rigged, you’re just bad.”

To so many people. Mercy players aren’t the only one’s guilty of misusing their kits. DPS players, Tank players… Countless… Nobody is guilt free.

I consider myself a Master Hanzo player and I still learn something new every time I watch better players.

We are all just trash in the same trash can.

Some people simply choose not to use it :raising_hand_woman:

Pretty much…


If I fall to platinum on this account then yes I’d accept that I’m wrong. In 40 hours of playtime that hasn’t happened


A lot of people would benefit from “reviewing the footage.” I personally hate it. I just find it so mind-numbingly boring. I rank it right up there with vacuuming and taking out the trash. To be fair to me (lol) I’ve said on many occasions that a decent part of why people aren’t climbing is because to get good at something, you have to somewhat enjoy or at least be able to tolerate the worst aspects of it. The people who have the stomach to aim train consistently or do VOD reviews of their gameplay or get in voice chat etc, deserve to climb higher than those that don’t. The fact that that’s true, in my opinion, doesn’t ALSO preclude that there are serious problems with the matchmaker.

Lol, Queue that scene from Game of Thrones where gold players are walking down the street with the bell ringing and the high priestess saying “Shame. Shame. Shame.” In all seriousness though, it’s fine. When I do play, which is not often at all, I’m a filthy casual at this point, and I’m ok with that.

I think carrying, in addition to having raw mechanical skill, is in itself is a skill that has to be learned. And to be sure, raw mechanical skill is not enough, and being better than other players is not enough – there’s the additional skill, the carry skill, that has to be on tap. I think that skill is more of a subset of other higher order skills rather a distinct thing unto itself, but until you learn it, it’s still going to be hard to carry.

And for this reason, I don’t really understand why higher ranked players aren’t more sympathetic to the plight of lower ranked players, because they know that merely being better isn’t enough (you have to be A LOT better). And I think a lot of the “whiners” do have a valid point in knowing that they’re NOT making the same poor mistakes and DON’T have the same gaps in knowledge as their teammates and yet they still can’t climb.

Like you, I did get a few coaching sessions. Granted, I didn’t get continue them as you did, but I could totally see how if I had continued after some time I would’ve been tearing through ranks I was having problems with. It would’ve been like playing a different game. There are so many non-intuitive things little things to do to win. And yet the things I was learning in those sessions and the way they were being taught was not something that I could find on messages boards or youtube videos, which is the only thing most of the community has reasonable access to.

I just don’t think hard carrying should be the primary way to rank up in this game. I know that’s a philosophical difference we’ll probably never agree on (survivor’s bias on your part! lol – I kid).

Lol, this is a great quote. :rofl:

Please explain! /s

100%. people in high ranks have survivorship bias. it’s quite common around here

those people want to defend the system

Whether it be movie stars, or athletes, or musicians, or CEOs of multibillion-dollar corporations who dropped out of school, popular media often tells the story of the determined individual who pursues their dreams and beats the odds. There is much less focus on the many people that may be similarly skilled and determined but fail to ever find success because of factors beyond their control or other (seemingly) random events. This creates a false public perception that anyone can achieve great things if they have the ability and make the effort. The overwhelming majority of failures are not visible to the public eye, and only those who survive the selective pressures of their competitive environment are seen regularly.

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It’s also possible that original placings of people into diamond, masters, etc, back when the game first started has an enormous effect on how things would shake out pretty much for the life of the game. The flywheel effect is a real thing. Just a theory though.

But a lot of SVB’s points about why people can’t climb make perfect sense to me.


I agree actually….

Think of all the people who have played since launch and have been Masters/GM since launch.

Capping SR at 3900 every season has definitely gotten rid of a lot of players who shouldn’t be above 3.5/3.6 as MMR matches all of us against each other.

My experience so far has been, the SR campers hang out for a while but usually drop. Not always though.

My point is, I think a lot of the direction the game has gone in, is largely based on the players who were GM the first 5 or so seasons.


dude… bronze is way harder than plat/dia

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Only because bronze players are actually terrible.