Bronze not more 2.1

Me using Mega instinct for like two hours, after deleting the game I was back.
this is me killing bronze:


Last game before going to silver. And I lost 50 SR due to a frozen game… as of now I won again and sitting at 1496SR.
According to MMR i am a bronze player.
https: //

https: //

To watch the imaganes just put everything together.

To begin with I am not someone who thinks is a hidden boss or a GM, I just think you have to play so hard to win a BRONZE game, the bottom tier…

Then play hard?

“Hard” is also relative to your abilities. If you play in the bottom tier, you probably still have a lot to learn. Keep your ego in check.

No, the game doesn’t work against you.


Winning ten games when you are playing good, bad luck? good luck, ego? MMR? when you are a high player, due to coming from another games, many hours of gameplay, you have skill. you can dominate bronze, silver, gold and even plat, but when you are a casual player, who play for fun you can feel the handicap…

otherwords: if i am plat, a normal players, normal game sense, normal skill, I know exactly I must wait for bronze and silver, even gold mistakes before go in, i have learnt when we should push as team, there is not way for me to stay at gold, but when you are silver and have to deal with plat smurfs or diamond derankers, you start to hate MMR. and I am a 1800SR player not a hidden boss or gM hardstuck.

And lastly I put a code asking for help and advices, for having someone to rate my game.
Non-English speaker.

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I mean…. MMR is mostly to make games more enjoyable/balanced for the casual player base. Otherwise the gaming experience would likely be much worse than it is.

Truly competitive players (Diamond+) as you mentioned, don’t feel any contention with MMR because they understand they need to be better players in order to be successful.

The game rewards skillful players.

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playing pharah:

  1. you spend a lot of time on the ground like a non flying char.
  2. you used jump jet to get to high ground when that can be accomplished by rocket jump
  3. you dont use your abilities to maneuver around the map

try working on those and i think you will see a significant improvement


I think you underestimate the importance of game sense here, because Overwatch is not about pure mechanics (the only “skill” that transcends between games). Your position in the ladder shows that you have still problems “understanding” the game, the meta, the rollouts, the synergies etc.

If you expect to be instantly top tier, because you’re successfully playing Quake or CS:GO, prepare yourself to be disappointed. Solo carrying is a LOT harder in OW.


U deserve your rank. No more words needed

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thx for your answers, as you can see my public profile i don’t play Pharah, I took her because she is good vs bronze. I am interesting in learning high skill chars like DF, genji, tracer. Btw, Tracer is my strongest dps second genji. and I am not playing Tracer, I wanted to learn more dps and learnt genji and now DF.
I will drop pharah if i reach middle gold. You can easily kill bronze,

I don’t remember why I took low ground, i think i have not mercy or Ana.

  1. you used jump jet to get to high ground when that can be accomplished by rocket jump

The rocket jump is something i don’t master, i tried it a long time ago, I will practice it.

  1. you dont use your abilities to maneuver around the map

I think, i know what you meant, I did it last game before that to get widow, I usually use it when they have dps at high ground. Thx for INF.

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I think that is what most people don’t get. Bronze league is not “easy difficulty”.
It’s rather like a training and sport activity.

Not everyone has same stats, skills and abilities and those that perform better than others, they rank differently.

Problem with this being an eSport is that you don’t know what you have to practice in order to get better.



Biggest thing. I played circa 3-4 hours of death match with Lucio, focusing on winning duels.

Inspired by watching Eskay. I switched from aura heal bot to Reddit dps Lucio.

Climbed from 1700 to 2550 in 2 seasons. Win rate was 80% to gold, then 60% to plat, including 10 game win streak. Then hit a skill wall at 2550.

Dropped since as not kept up with skill inflation. I’ve recently seen 1600 Lucio players better than I ever was in plat.


i am a genji one trick, and would be happy to give you some pointers if you provide a replay code


Its a grind.

And the MMR system makes it feel rigged. (Because it sort of is).

Just either play like someone 1500SR higher than your rank to climb… facing smurfs/aimbotters and paid booster duos on the enemy teams with throwers and derankers on your team.


Just play well enough to consistently win games… but not too well. Don’t dominate the lobby… just win.

The second method is the easier way to get closer to your true rank. It’s also less frustrating.


check that one, it was an easy game, and i went just genji.

attack point a:
-you dash into the enemy turret with 1 shot left of your shurikens and you had no deflect available, you survive the engagement with luck and help and bad prioritization from enemy team. suggestion: never engage without all abilities available
-good pick on the zen by the gas station and good escape plan - only deflect the turret when it is extremely low otherwise you lose that battle 8/10 times
-good cap on point a, good target prioritization on the orisa and torb…slow down bro, you missed 3 easy shots on the torb when a melee would have finished him off. you dont need to hold down m2, take the extra half second to line up your shot and confirm the kill

attack point b:
-blade: you engage a full hp orisa when there was an ana off to the left - wasting an ult on a full hp tank is meaningless, it negates the value brought by blade
-dont spend too much time on a tracer that well behind your team, they have taken themselves out of the fight giving your team the chance to engage 6v5 had you not spent so much time tracking the tracer

attack point c:
-your team had a good cap - id suggest focusing the ana over the hog 9/10 times, but the hog was low and you helped confirm the kill, and then the ana died good effort
-the tracer vs genji battle isnt something you want to take until your combos are more efficient ( more on combos later)

defense point a:
-nice blade and target prioritization
-great focus on the bap/bastion on your blade, excellent use of timing on dash swipes

things to work on:
-combos (m2+melee) multiple times you had the tracer in a position where you could have insta killed her, but failed to pull off the combo
-melee+m2+melee - use this combo first until you are confident in your dash m2+melee combo, there is a delay in action abilities when you use m2+melee so if you dont successfully pull the combo you are sorta left in limbo for a brief period of time where you cant do anything
-cursor: you are currently using the DOT. I used to use that as well because I say all the streamers using that setting, but i personally did not like it for genji. instead, i would recommend using the T crosshairs, maxing out the length and removing the dot in the middle, what this does is allow you to track placement of your cursor easier, within 7m if your cursor is on the enemy, it will hit with at least 1 from m2. making this change allowed my aim on genji to increase by an average of 10% per game.

hope this helps, your game play was decent, a few things you need to work on ie: timing of engagements and target prioritization.