Bronze is utter garbage

Before you go off on your, “You’re placed where you should be” rant I know I’m not the best player in the game, but I’m not horrid. I just think bronze in general sucks.

With my very first placements I placed in high silver, but I kept losing due to teammates dragging me down, and throwing. Now I’m in mid bronze trying to drag myself out of this miserable pit of despair.

I climb most of the time when I play, but sometime you get streaks of really bad teammates who just throw, or the other team has diamond/plat players who get an alt and throw so they “can see what bronze is like” on the other team. It tanks your sr quite a bit and makes it really annoying to climb even 100sr.

I’m just sick of bad teammates who make the entire team lose sr. Everyone says focus on yourself and normally that would be good advice, but not when it’s a team based game. Not when your team as a whole needs to win for you to get more sr.

I lose games way too often because a teammate will leave the game, typically a healer, and I’m left (normally as the other healer) with 3-4 dps and sometimes a tank who won’t listen to anything I say, in coms or in chat.

When I focus just on me my teammates drag me down. Now this has just been a rant and I’m not expecting blizzard to fix this, because how can they? I just really needed to vent, and I want to know if others feel the same.


Team mates arnt the problem. I played torb and went undeafeated from under 50SR to silver and only lost one game due to a leaver from silver to gold. Its not impossible to climb out of your rank and you might generally just not be that good.


Flyingfrogs: How many years ago did you do that? Because nowadays bronze is full of players who would be considered diamond 2-3 years ago. And the number of smurfs is INSANE. Not to mention leavers.

To the OP point, yes bronze is full of people who don’t communicate, don’t coordinate, don’t focus enemies, and don’t stay on point, etc. No matter how much you improve, you’ll never be able to carry five other people. Well, unless you’re one of these grand master types who’s smurfing of course. Then the other 5 don’t even matter.


This season i went from bronze to masters on my torb only account


So someone who plays at a masters level can smurf-beat bronze players. Shocking.

But don’t gimme this B.S. that ANYONE can do it. Come on, man…


The only reason i did the bronze to masters was to prove that ELO hell doesnt exist as an example


At no point did I say it was impossible or say I can’t climb, I said it’s ridiculous how hard it is to climb and how dumb the teammates are in bronze.

Also when did you climb from “50sr to silver as torb” because I’m calling bs on that. Getting an sr of under 50 is near impossible without hard throwing literally every match you’re in.

Also if you’re a grandmaster smurfing on a “torb only bronze to gm account” you’re part of the problem. You shouldn’t be playing at that sr. There’s literally no reason you should be there.


You didn’t “prove” that elo hell doesn’t exist. All you did was prove what a problem smurfs are.


Yeah i six stacked with a group of buds that were doing the same thing and threw to as low as we could go for next season. Nothing wrong with that as if anything i gave free SR.

I originally placed in may of this year.

I certainly get what you’re saying OP, bronze can be very frustrating indeed, and as you and Ethernyet noticed there are an even increased amount of trolling, throwing, smurfing and general lack of game sense going on in bronze. I know what you mean as I started in high bronze and was as low as 1200 or something I think at some point.

Took a long way of improvement, but I did climb out of it first in silver, than in gold, plat after that, I did not get my rank instantly by placements. One advice I can give you is to concentrate yourself on one, two, maybe three heroes, preferrably in different categories, and improve your game positioning and avareness with them. Do not flex all the time to different roles you do not know how to play yet.

Choose your hero picks wisely. To climb,I think a good bet is taking a hero who has the potential of playmaking (plenty of heroes do that), for me, it was Rein, as I could fulfill my role of team protection and compensate both for me and the DPS in damage. Others will advice you on a DPS, and it is a perfectly viable route too. Boils down to your preferred gameplay choice.

It can take a long time, but it is possible to improve. It is, however, not as easy as some say, it depends on many different variables and strokes of wins or losses, but in the end you can improve your chances of winning by increasing your teams chances if you perform good.


You are exactly the kind of person that is the problem. You and the people who just leave because they die a couple times.

Elo hell does exist… you’re a gm. This is exactly why it does. Like does that not click with you or what? People at a lower skill are going to have a hard time fighting a 6-stack of you and your 5 gm buddies.
A grandmaster beating bronze players is not unexpected.


Season 2 diamonds were still significantly better than current bronze players


Being angry should not be able to take away your sense of being able to read. In my response i stated i threw on a six stack so people wouldn’t be affected. I never stated i six stacked with them when climbing.

Yeah, and that’s what I’m doing. I’m mainly a tank person, but a lot of the time I heal too. I rarely dps, and when I do I only use one or two characters that I’ve focused on getting decent at. As I stated in my original post, it was really just a rant, and I needed to vent about how annoying it is.

Throwing then boosting (yourself) is also against the rules. There is no exception for doing the throwing as a six stack. It lowers match quality for everyone, especially those in bronze, whom you are bullying.


Yet you still claim that it’s easy to climb out of bronze. Yes for a gm to climb out of bronze and carry every team I imagine That’s quite easy. Yet I am not a grandmaster player, and most people stuck in bronze aren’t. But they get stuck there because people like you, people who throw, and who leave keep them from climbing.


Sounds like you’re constantly blaming your teammates though. Focus on your own improvement instead of complaining about uncoordinated teammates. You can’t control them. Ask yourself whenever you die why you did or what you could’ve done instead. Also, don’t play after three losses in a row. No wonder you dropped. Take breaks.


How about this then, record a comp game and send it to me and we can see if you truly are better then bronze.

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That’s exactly what I do, but again focusing on myself doesn’t help when my teammates don’t do work with me. If I’m working on myself as a tank, but I am not getting healed, I can’t work on myself. I push back and find healing packs, but that means I have to leave fights and typically die in the process. Or if I’m dpsing and I get 2 or 3 picks, but my team’s tanks aren’t aggressive enough to take the point it’s all for nothing.

Also I will stop after 3 losses, but what’ll happen is I’ll win some, then lose three, stop for awhile, come back in a few hours/the next day, and then I’ll win one, lose three more then stop. It’s a horrid cycle.