Bronze 5'd Again

This is truly insane to me.

End of season 1 I was a win or two away from Gold 1. Took me the entire season, tons of grinding to get out of bronze 5 (had the “bug” because I started climbing FAST after a patch). Then S2, started bronze 5 again, got pissed off and didn’t play much comp but did get to Bronze 1.

S3 Bronze 5 again, my games are about as sweaty as you can imagine, my MMR is clearly high silver/low gold and yet I’m relegated to the absolute lowest tier in the game with brand new players? I have 400 hours and know for a fact I am not trash.

I thought they were going to fix this. Is there an issue with my account specifically? It makes no sense. I lost 10 full divisions from S1 to S2, that’s not “decay” that’s “youre getting put at 500SR Bronze 5 at the beginning of every season due to an issue with your account”

My visible tank rank INCREASED from S2 to S3. None of this makes sense. It’s completely broken.


If you werent bad you wouldnt whining about easy wins

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what? I just explained, there are no easy wins. I’m not playing “bad” or “new” players at all. I’m playing sweaty golds with hundreds of hours in the game, just like myself.

The issue is my “visible rank” keeps resetting WAY TOO MUCH. There is no reason to go from Silver 1 to Bronze 5 due to “decay”


Ignore it, it’s a troll.

But yeah looks like the matchmaking/ranking adjustments are ongoing. Looks like it’s a case of gritting teeth and bearing it. Which is going to be soooo much fun

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Your MMR was kept, so, you will gain SR faster this season till you get back to your actual rank.

Yep, MMR was kept. Just play a bunch and even with a 50% win rate, you will get to your old SR.

It sucks, but they are changing how that works.

60 days isn’t enough to climb out of this deep, deep well every season. It’s insane. If they did this once a year I’d be annoyed, let alone every 2 months.

I guess I’ll see where my rank resets to. I’m only 1-1-1 so far but the games are absolute grinds, with highly experienced players in my games.

These devs actually though we were dumb enough to mistake this for “progression”? Yikes.

Says the troll himself

The problem is that its not “easy wins”. They artificially force a Rank decay, but your internal MMR is still the previous one.

So you are playing against dudes with a Bronze Icon, that could be Silver 2 on on the last week. That serves no purpose besides imposing a stupid grind for an Icon that represents your true rank.


Someone educate me.
Because OP’s MMR is probably around silver 2 then, will he still be matched with people 5 ranks from Bronze 5 (aka “to bronze 1”), or will he be match 5 ranks differentiate from his MMR, so “bronze 1 to gold 2 ish”?

what it “feels” like is anything from low silver to low gold. there are definitely matches with gold players queued up with n00bs. then it becomes a battle of which teams n00b is a bigger dolt.

There shouldn’t be any actual “bronze 5” aka “I just started playing” in my games unless someone is queueing with one and the matchmaker mirrors that. iirc they said S3 would see the matchmaker creating matches based on MMR per role. So if one team has a “good” tank, so should the other.

I have the same issue, I’ve been playing since 2018 and i would place gold, but now i can’t even get out of bronze

As someone who is legitimately Bronze 5, I would absolutely love for people better than me to keep their rank between seasons and stay out of the mudpit.

As someone who can legitimately code a better matchmaker, placement system, ladder progression, and payoff design better than their entire team, for free, in my sleep, medicated, after taking jared’s wife shopping…
…I really hope they figure out who they need to fire before Season4 starts.