Bronze 5 with your bronze 5 to go with your bronze 5

7/7 place bronze 5. 7/9 next set bronze 5. 7/10 (1 or 2 being dcs) bronze 5.

wtf is going on with rankings. How do you get out of bronze 5? Im slaying in my matches and I dont belong there.


Pray to Aaron Keller and buy ow coins


“I don’t deserve my rank” comments starting real early. Grind, you’ll climb if you’re good


I think it’s amazing because we told them so.

They did a soft-reset not a hard reset.
They’re still using silly data-based mmr to tailor your lobbies around things that aren’t skill.
They’re still using a ton of rigging ™ patents.
It’s an SBMM, EOMM, DDA based system and we don’t even get to see our true ranks.

I got silver5 and bronze5 accounts. The silver5 are way easier with actual new players getting dumpstered. That account will climb. The bronze5 may as well be private scrims against top players in some kind of shadow pool. Totally fake, but at least I can be unreportable for bad gameplay in my matches. When people flame and call me bad I can say “sorry but it’s bronze5”.

It’s beautiful really, never having to worry about deranking or ranking up or ranks at all.


If you arent climbing after going multiple sets of 70-100% how the fk do you climb?

Are you slow or just a troll?

Not one level has been gained after going 70% and 80% twice.


Correction, you’ll climb if you are matched with competent teams who have the same ambition and desire to win as you do.


You haven’t bought the “Get out of bronze” dlc from the shop. 15k comp points or 500 dollars for purchase


US9789406B2 - Rigging around micro-transactions and shadow pay2win incentives.

Quote from the patent:

Guys i guess i’m the marquee


I think something must be screwy about SR because of the soft reset they did. A lot of people are complaining about Bronze 5 specifically. It’s probably a bug.


Bronze 5 is the new silver


It has to be bugged.

I went 7/7 on heal bronze 5. 7/9 on my next set still bronze 5.

Tank is the only one I havent finished yet but Im done until they fix comp.

I only tried the second set on dps because its just brain dead easy to win with genji, mei, or phara at this level. I wanted to see if maybe it takes 2 sets of high % wins to rank up.

Nope. 2nd set 75% or w/e and still bronze 5. The only games ive lost in dps have been a dc or just healers who are going 4k total healing.


How do you expect to climb when OW1 masters players are placing in gold/plat? Diamonds in silver/gold. Etc.

Your mmr just isn’t anywhere near high enough to justify the system promoting you when a huge number of far better players are currently in those very ranks.


People that respond and just make absolute guesses without knowing anything about the topic are annoying af.

Diamond and plats are placing in bronze 5 and stuck.

Its literally a bug.

Is it you just like to read what you type so much that drives you to respond with drivel when you are clueless on the topic?

Its 100% a bug.


I classified and got bronze 5, just like in OW1 where they dunked me from gold to bronze.

I reclassified and got bronze 5 again.

I reclassified AGAIN AND I GOT BRONZE 4.

See ya guys gl I’m outta elo hell. Trick is to not trash talk.


I mean, it looks like you have a below-50% win rate, so it’s not terribly surprising that you’re not climbing. Oh, I see, you meant that you won 7 out of 7 games. Sorry, I thought you meant that you won 7 and lost 7.

Regardless, Bronze 5 must be a fairly large bucket because it’s the lowest division, right? So if you were really low in Bronze 5, it might take a while even with a good win rate to climb out.

Masters are placing in gold/plat. It’s well known and I’m telling you it from experience.

As far as I’m aware (almost) everyone below diamond has placed bronze. At the same time as masters placing gold/plat. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why the system cant promote those players while masters are still in gold and diamonds in silver.

Do you always respond to disagreement with hostility?

How so? Has it been announced? Are you going to explain why you should climb when players with far higher mmr are in the ranks you want to be in?


Not if the person responds actually has input instead of just guessing out of their butt.

You are making a guess.

There is absolutely no way it can be functioning if you are going 80-100% on two set of rank ups and it doesnt rank you up.

You would have to have a pea brain to think thats functioning properly.

It. is. a. bug.

Go away.


Your entire assertion of:

Is a guess based on nothing.

You aren’t even engaging the point of masters being in gold and diamonds in silver. Why not? How could you possibly be in those ranks too?


Based on going near 100% wins and not ranking up is not a guess lmao. The system is designed to rank you up as you win. Win 2 sets of 7 and you dont rank up is not functioning if you have an IQ in 3 digit territory.

Please go away. You have no input here but guesses because you want to feel important.


Did you even read? Lol in ow1 he would already be almost silver. Thats just trash design.