Bronze 5 Support main seeking teammates to rank up with

Hi there. I’m not looking to be carried, I am just looking for some people to group with that understand the basics of the game. I am a Mercy main with decent skills on Bap/Brig/Kiriko/Moira (in that order) and am pretty okay with Zen, even though my aim is not great. Ana, LW are my weakest supports. I feel pretty stuck and generally try to use Mercy as much as I can in solo queues, due to the ability to steer fights with extra heals and valk damage boosting. It would be nice to feel like I can play the other supports a little more and to finally hopefully get some progress. I understand a large portion of the game, mechanics, heroes and their abilities, ultimates as well as countering almost? all of them. My biggest downfall is that my aim is not great. I have a great deal of strategic knowledge.

Ideal candidates:

  • DPS/Support: Able to aim pretty well OR utilize hero utility to steer the fights in a favorable manor due to a good understanding of heroes/counters

  • Tank: Understand tanking to a fair amount (heroes that can eat ultimates or getting out of LOS as necessary for instance)

  • All: Doesn’t just ignore and stand in the fire of sentries/turrets/bastion shift and stare until you die at least 50% of the time.

  • Understands the basic mechanics of the game overall (escorting payloads/touching point/not staggering, etc.)

  • Understands that I am trying to play to win, but I am still human and will make mistakes. I’m sure many others do too. Lets not hate on each other for it. Lets be a team! Lets lift each other up. :slight_smile:

I would prefer a 5 stack or at least a 3 stack. I am absolutely capable of a well-played game often returning a win if I have two other well knowledgeable players in the group, no matter what the other two are doing. I live in the US, on the west coast (Pacific time zone) and am available for games between 6pm to 3am every day except Thursdays.

A recent VOD (zero comms) of a loss with a trio (tank and second support): NXV9V4
An Open Queue win with Tank as duo: 5YJZNP
An Open Queue push map win with Tank as duo: QMB1HB

I will edit to update with more role queue wins when I get around to playing them. I haven’t played that many since the patch.

Edit: I forgot to add my btag. Feel free to add me hijinks#11976

Hi! Im a silver 2 support, gold 4 tank who would love to play with you. I can play all supports (but main mercy/kiriko/ana) and every tank (main: dva/rein/orisa/ram) besides hamster. I will peel for my supports so hard it hurts and i desperately wish the old looking for group from ow would come back lol. Lmk if you’re interested! I can also drop my discord if you like.

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Feel free to add me. I forgot to put my btag in my post, I have now added it. It’s hijinks#11976

(NA) (PC)

DANGG u wrote a lot!

SURE! I’m also hard-stuck bronze. Widow main, will switch to Genji, 76, Sojourn, or Hanzo if needed.
Discord: ChristianSchober#6003 (not sure if it has numbers and hashtag)
BattleTag: SepiaViper#14219