Bronze 5 Placement, bug? - Unable to climb

Éxactement le même problème mais quand je contacte le service il ne font pas la nuance entre être classé bronze 5 mais pouvoir monter en classement et être classé bronze 5 mais peut importe si tu fais 7 win 0 défaite rester quand même bronze 5

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Seriously WHY is Blizzard not doing anything about this? This is a real issue.


having the same issue, ranked “up” to bronze 5 several times now

The Bug is still happening!

The bug is back! I’m stuck in bronze 5 no matter how hard I try! Please fix soon!


To no one’s surprise, yet another manifestation of the Bronze 5 bug has spawned. This time, players are receiving the message “You are at the minimum value for this rank” regardless of player winrate and individual performance. This is unacceptable and you are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.


same here


oh my god thank god its not just me ive been playing game for a few hours at bronze 5 im a plat player ive won 15 games in a row and im still in bronze five wtf this is not okay also happening to abunch of people i know


Same im always bronze 5


I’m also stuck on bronze five…would have been on my way to gold by now…I’ve been on demon time with support. Sucks I’m out damaging and out healing on both teams and after 5 games I’ve seen bronze 5 for the 3rd or 4th time….


J’ai toujours le beug. Je reste bloquer en bronze 5 peu importe ce que je fais… j’ai fais du 5 victoire 2 défaite … toujours bronze 5….


Yes same thing is happening to me. I’m averaging 25-30 kills and 12k heals a game but still only getting bronze 5

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This is still happening to me as well, positive winrates on both supp and dps. ive reranked 8 times for support and 5 times for dps and it initially kept me and the minimum value for bronze 5. Past couple re-ranks it has locked me into the 71% of bronze 5 despite multiple reranks. I’ve currently played 117 games of comp in season 4 and have won 66 of them with absolutely zero progress. 22hrs of my life wasted.

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Im sick of being in bronse after 180+ hours winning games


Update: the percentage seems to be moving now but like 2% at a time. This is ridiculous. I have 85 wins on support, meaning i’ve reranked 17 freaking times to absolutely zero progress, in fact, it’s gone down, despite having a positive winrate. Definitely not giving Blizzard another cent unless they fix this. I shouldn’t have to make a new account, lose all my skins, and win 50 games of quick play just to be able to played ranked without any bugs.

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How do you know its moving 2% at a time? Also you may have 85 wins on support, how many losses do you have? My damage role queue ranking seems to work fine, but support and tank bronze 5 forever lol. Ive been playing since Overwatch1 season 4, never had this issue till now, im Plat 3 on open queue as well.

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Honestly, I don’t know exactly how many losses i have on supp because the game doesnt let you view that statistic. and I know its moving 2% at a time because when it re-ranks it tell me that im rated higher than 67% of players in this rank, then 69%, then 71%, then 71% again. Its the most frustrating experience ive had playing a game.

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I do know that I’m winning more games than I’m losing though. I’ve reranked 21 times on supp and still b5.

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Ive won several games in competitive play and my rank stays the same m. My son is now Gold and we can no longer play together even though we play together so we should have about the same wins. Please help as this is frustrating.

I Just read some of the comments and yes I’m also having that bronze 5 issue. PleaseHELP as this is becoming old. What can I do what can you do to just set me out of that glitch rut. Thanks

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I still experience this issue! I have won 5 games with 0 losses and I am stuck in Bronze 5 while my teammate ranking up. Why haven’t they fix this? Please help