Bronze 5 bug strikes again

OW1 gold/silver player. Placed Bronze 5. This has happened to me on two accounts now - one that I placed in OW2 Season1 and now in Season 2.

Bronze 5 Bug lives…after Blizzard promising twice it has been fixed.


Well if it’s been fixed, makes ya wonder why you’re placing there on 2 different accounts :thinking:


i was high gold in OW1. bronce 5 now…hm.

It’s easy to climb if you belong in gold.
There is probably no bug, and you just belong there now.

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If you haven’t played comp for a while it’s normal.
I peaked Diamond in OW1, didn’t play for months, in OW2 I was placed in Bronze 3, but climbed up really fast.

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I was an OW1 Gold player.
I went 8-1 and got Bronze 5.
I went 10-3 and got Bronze 5.
Strong games first placement. Same result.
Inconsistent results is indicative of a bug.

It’s in every rank. I got stuck on plat 4 for 7 adjustments despite maintaining plat 1 for weeks…

If you just started you have 1000SR to overcome. These incompetent DEVS made Bronze 5 10 ladders.

The game has so many bugs it’s not even funny. Perhaps if we all buy several Battle passes they will have enough money to actually hire some decent programmers to fix the bugs.