Bronz 5 rank suggestion

I believe that bronze 5 should not be given to players for long periods of time because it is cruel from a psychological point of view when a player sees that there is no lower rank than the one they have and cannot get out of. This is my advice to developers not to bully players. Low self-esteem can lead to poor performance due to poor self-confidence :heart:


Are there actually people who derive their sense of self worth from what rank you get in OW?..

Seriously if your self esteem is effected by your rank on a free to play game thats like 7 years old at this point you need to get off the game and work on yourself. Try to find some one you trust like a best friend / brother / mother / family etc and share your feelings with them and work through it. I’m sure they will be able to help put “bronze 5” problems into perspective for you.

IMO they should introduce even lower ranks than bronze 5 tho, like bronze 6 through 10 or a new wood rank like wood 1 through 5.


The break down is fine they just need the old SR rank to show you how close you are. Why they got rid of that i have no idea. People just dont know how close they are anymore


Your Idealizing on the forum doesn’t change anything. There are people in the game for who it matters and no one wants to feel the worst of all. It can be safely assumed that there are people with disorders and numerous limitations in Bronze 5, so more than just pure profits could be considered


Bronze 5 is way to big an SR bracket. They either need to make it 100 like the rest of the divisions, or create a lower rank under bronze.


A rank lower than bronze won’t solve anything because who would want to be Timber 5? Just trick some Bronze 5 players and give them Bronze 4 or 3



I’d be happy to see them make ranks like Iron and copper below Bronze, but no more lying about ranks please. I don’t want to read about ‘Bronze 4 players’ complaining about throwers in bronze 5 lobbies.

That being said we’ve got 1000 sr worth of rank divisions we could make so that’d be nice.

Ok while also yes, we should acknowledge simultaneously that there are a lot of people with significant disabilities that are higher. One guy is paralysed and uses a blow tube to shoot, fairly sure he’s gold or silver iirc.

Because we already dislike the matchmaker lying as it is. And there’s a lot of salt from Bronze 5’s winning 5/2 and not ranking up because their sr is like 700.


Just because you are the bottom rank doesn’t mean you’re the worst player… They do tell you how much better you are than other bronze 5’s at least. If you’re “60% better than other bronze 5’s” you got that going for you.

At some point there is literally such a thing as bottom 500. At some point it becomes impossible to lose unless you try to lose. I mean that literally. There are plenty of people out there who make accounts simply to see how far they can drop. -They literally have to lose using skill and game knowledge by hindering their own teams in more ways than just killing themselves in a match in order to force a loss. They have to support the enemy team and help them as much as they can to lose.

It is literally impossible for anyone to actually hit the bottom of the ranked pool unless they intentionally try swimming downwards so the people you are trying to protect would actually despise this change.


fair point, it could be made more visible. I still feel like they could at least try to give a little more satisfaction to these players


Hey there, I understand that the ranking system in games can be a sensitive issue for some players. It’s important to remember that everyone has different skill levels and experiences, and that Bronze 5 is typically the lowest rank in many games. It can be really discouraging for players who are placed in this rank or have difficulty climbing out of it.

I want you to know that it’s okay to be in Bronze 5, and that ranking systems are designed to be competitive. You’re placed in certain ranks based on your skill level and performance. However, there are ways to improve your skills and climb the ranks through practice and dedication.

I think that developers could do more to provide guidance and support for players who are struggling to climb the ranks or feel discouraged. This could include more detailed feedback on gameplay, tutorials or training modes, or mentorship programs.

It’s important to remember that your rank is not a reflection of your worth as a person. Making mistakes and learning from them is a normal part of the learning process. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the game, regardless of rank.

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I wonder how it will effect on people’s if something like this would be shown before every rank games :thinking:

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The issue with this is that these players deserve their rank. If being the lowest rank hurts your feelings…well, that’s motivation to play more to get better.


i was bottom 500 throughout all of ow1 lol so idunno about that one, my sr was close to 100-200 when i counted and i tried to win so lmao.

if your self-worth is based on your overwatch rank I would suggest seeing a therapist


or, Blizzard can do their job and actually balance the stupid lobbies so that it isnt B5 vs DIA1… just saying. I dont speak smurf


that’s right, and many players go to the doctor as well i do, and that’s why I can easily imagine how I would feel if I had permanent bronze 5. I have a friend who is in this situation and it discouraged him from continuing to play so I also know what the effects are . It’s in Blizzard’s best interest to make players feel good because then they’ll stay with them


I agree. I have also been dissuaded to continue playing as well. I have been stuck B5 since ive owned my PC, which is going on 4 months, and have not been able to climb in damage. and its definitely not a good feeling that theres no budge in the gameplay that Ill have to play with no mistakes like a grandmaster to finally gtfo of bronze entirely, like I did on console but with far less trouble. the feeling is crap knowing that if i play absolutely great, that theres a great chance that Im not going anywhere, even if I learn how to carry the team properly by experts… too bad theres no achievements in game for being nothing but cannon fodder in lots of the recent matches Ive played.

don’t worry. every thing you said was wrong.

you don’t need to play like a grand master to get out of bronze. You just need to play like a silver player or better. That will get you into silver or higher.

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I have also mentioned in other posts the fact that I have even been gold 5 on console, and I get that theres an immense difference when hopping on the PC, but to get absolutely nowhere in almost 4 months from bronze 5 damage is saying something at least… I dont care how you got out. but dont tell me that there isnt anything going on when theres seasons and seasons of stats that are missing from my profile on top of mine being a legacy account. its garbage that i am not able to perform the same damn feat again, knowing good and well that I should have been out bronze 5 for over a month now. you tell me…

the servers are complete dog sh*t right now (games crashing all day) and tbh I think the west coast server isn’t even online at the moment cuz all of my games are 170+ latency.

Post a replay code. I’ll watch a game of yours.