Bring back the level 3 turret

BRING it back, it was so good, make me have to kill enemies and collect stuff off of them to upgrade my turret, like the good ol days. I want that sweet rocket turret to mess with my enemies please I miss the salt!

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You never upgraded your turret with scrap…

I was talking about the goold ol days of the genre, like having to upgrade your sentry with metal as engie

They reworked him because he was bad, you want to go back to that stage?

I like the rework, I think it’s great, I would never want to go back to the days of my only use as a torb main being throwing armour packs at people. However, they have the model for the level 3 turret, and I would like it to be worked into the game somehow.

Make it go level 3 when Trob uses Overload LUL

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Yes I would take that certainly, a limited time upgrade seems fair, last ditch effort sort of thing

level 3 turret was broken, saying this as a Torb main.

It was but they are a videogame, they should be able to balance it

The level 3 turret goes by the name B.O.B these days.


I am eternally jealous of ashe mains for bob, can’t believe they get gold bob but us torb mains and symmetra mains dont get gold turrets, ridiculous

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There’s hight chances that we will see Turret 3.0 as a PVE talent again on OW2. it’s just a hunch, but it makes sense enough.

Torb today is neither OP nor UP.and when he had the turret to upgrade in lv3 he was definitely UP. and the lava works very well.

My only complaint? that the Overload skill (but also Mercy’s Valkyrie) gives him practically the same skills as a super mario who ate the star and becomes all rainbows XD is it a tribute or a lack of imagination?


I was thinking they could maybe bring it back as an extra ability in Overwatch 2. We’ve already seen that he can throw out 3 turrets at once or even flamethrower turrets. So maybe Level 3 turret will come back and be even more powerful

sincerely? I am pretty sure that OW2 will bring back certain abilities that were lost in OW1: Scatter, Mass ress, Turret 3.0 …

a little more uncertain for some old Symmetra skills , in a PVE Sigma it replaces better with that shield …