Bring back team rez mercy or delete her shes useless

Actually…he still got things out of being a pocket. Uber, regardless of what was equipped. And his stock MediGun allowed him to match the speed of any faster healing target.

Medic is a much more engaging pocket because he gets perks for being a pocket. Mercy doesn’t.

Also, not a Mercy player. Lucio/Junk/Symm/Orisa. I’m pointing out that people who don’t enjoy FPS games are not going to enjoy characters who handle more like FPS characters.

Each time I see this “then learn a new hero”; give them an idea? A hero they could try and see if they’d even like? Heck just start with the basic of Moira as a suggestion.

Be a bit more helpful than spiteful.

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Doesnt have to be I would gladly take another ultimate as long as valk and e-rez goes. I just want a support who can actually safe the team and do something more than just spectating.

Mercy dropped heavily after the latest nerf and many already expressed how terrible she is. I think I know enough about her to say she is in a bad spot.

Yes you can complain but like I said that wont help or make the issue go away. Neither will it stop others from complaining about their main hero which they think is in a bad spot. Anyway have a nice day.

Very meaningful reply/addition to the thread. 10/10 made me think!

Uber it’s Valk. Different kinds? Dunno, dude. Uber it’s you sitting there and doing the same thing you were doing before, pocketing. You just won’t die until the thing runs out.
No, that’s completely untrue. Stock MediGun never did that. That was the QuickFix, which got introduced way later in the game. Way, way later. I played comp, as Scout, on ESL site. I can assure you that IF i was with a Medic, i couldn’t run freely.

Medic could pocket. Uber(Still pocket). Defend himself(Medic plays never came out of this and was literally a LAST RESORT). No one complained, EVER.
Mercy can pocket. Can Fly to her targets to survive. Can Ress one target. Can damage boost. Can use an ability that makes her fly and heal AOE. Or damage boost AOE. Or go pew pew. Or just survive.

I don’t need to tell them what they should try. They just need to get into practice mode and spend 10 minutes with every hero. Figure out which one of them seems the coolest and try their hand at it in QP. It’s not rocket science.

Mercy is a pocket. She will always “spectate”. When i play Mercy, you know what i do? I call the shots. I keep an eye on everything i can. I keep track of enemy ults.
Sure, i could just brain afk and “enjoy” the spectator mode. Or i could use my brain to contribute.
If you don’t want to pocket, but want to heal, try other healers. It’s a game. You don’t get to decide how a certain hero works, you get to decide which one you like the most and play it. You clearly don’t like Mercy, because you are asking for a Mercy that doesn’t exist in the game. Change.

We are back at it again. She dropped because she was overpowered. Now she’s balanced. If you are still confused, or are just tryin to make me run in circles here, refer to my previous post.

That’s a lie. You clearly ain’t thinking. Or atleast not straight.

Why are Mercy mains so focused on Mass Rez, than they are at making Mercy Fun+ Balanced by any method as quick as possible?

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Yes I only played her for hundreds of hours before the rework because she never existed sure. Mercy was about healing, timing and decision making now with valk and e-rez she isnt like that anymore. But I dont think explaining and arguing with you makes much sense so I will leave you alone.

Yes…it did. Seems like you didn’t play enough Medic.

“When healing a patient with a faster movement speed than the Medic, the Medic’s speed will be increased to match the patient, allowing him to keep up with Scouts, or teammates that have some form of increased movement speed. However, the Medi Gun cannot mirror blast jumps. Any kills that the patient gets is counted as an assist to the Medic.”

Quick Fix gave you the ability to follow through with Sticky Launcher and Rocket Jumping.

"Like the other Medi Guns, the Quick-Fix lets the Medic match the speed of the patient he is actively healing. However, it also allows him to copy a patient’s explosive jump or shield charge, sending the Medic an equal force in the same direction, allowing him to follow teammates that launch themselves across the map (although after the initial force the Medic must control his own flight). "

Sits back and cracks open a soda This outta be fun to watch

July 7, 2016 Patch (Meet Your Match Update)

All Mediguns allow the Medic to match the speed of their heal target
Previously only available on The Quick-Fix
A dropped Mediguns’s stored ÜberCharge begins to decay over time after coming to rest

And with this, the discussion ends.

Edit: Actually, no please. Keep coming. I got time.

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Why you proved your point.

I swore the stock granted that too, so I loaded up TF2 and saw that I still have the Quick Fix and and since I rarely changed my loadout on TF2 and saw that now all MediGuns grant that mobility perk, I thought it was implemented longer than since just 2016 and that the Quick Fix just had the added perk of the Air Time.

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She’s only useless in the hands of heauxes who don’t know how to properly judge who needs help. And also for people who aren’t afraid to use Rez, since it gets the most value when used ASAP (on proper targets/not bad players/etc). Mercy is the pocket healer. So her value comes form knowing who to pocket and for how long.

While Ana can help even more than Mercy can, she lacks the mobility to swap between ally-targets quickly. So while Ana is moving to get a vantage point, Mercy has already zoomed 30m across the map to her next ally.

The issue is, Ana is so consistently useful since she isn’t 100% helpless like Mercy. With Mercy it feels like a waiting game to finish tasks even though she’s got the best mobility (no burst heals, but direct heals are very useful). While with Ana she can do most things quickly/effectively, but lacks the mobility to do things 100% of the time (especially if there are enemy shields around).

I was hoping you would try and debate the other points i made.

Also, don’t want to sound like a jerk or snobby, but i honestly commend you for not “going rogue”.

And i want to give you a point too. I litterally never played Medic. Nor any class.
I always played only the scout. I know this stuff because i used to play a lot in competitive settings, before the whole game turned into a joke and became free.
So, you’re right. I never played enough medic.

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Here is a balance change idea that would bring her back into the meta:

Dude, go get some spaghetti. You seem hungry.

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I never played competitively was just on the ATF severs where my friends and I would do dumb stuff because, none of us are in the comp crowd. Just not our style.

It’s the fact of that the other points you said aren’t wrong since it’s true Mercy has more utility than Medic does. Medic just feels more impactful since there are no Ults in TF2.

Mercy’s Ult just can’t work with her because how strong her kit is and how “reviving a downed ally is core to her gameplay (September 19, 2017)”.

She does have options but she really can’t capitalize on them because the ult just lasts too long to show any immediate effect.

Besides, when I’m proven wrong I can accept it; so I do apologize for stating that for the MediGun although it’s true now, it wasn’t at the start.

because to them it isn’t about making her fun and balanced. they want her OP again so they don’t have to actually try.

Dunno. On that side, the games are very different. I mean, it was very common to get instagibbed by just random shots. I would say that he was just more unique, or the only option so to speak. So people who liked the idea or being more tactical or supportive would always gladly pick medic. Our medic for example, was the one speaking the most. Always. We used to mock him for that.
But dunno`, i really can’t debate this because i don’t really see what do you mean by “it felt more impactful”. Seems something more related to personal experience than facts.

I think that the ability to “save yourself” or “pump out healing to everyone while removing yourself from the fight” or “damage boost everyone” to help cleaning a point it’s pretty impactful if you do get the point.

I don’t think that’s the case. I think they just got spoiled into being able to pick Mercy always without having to play anything else, while being effective, that now that the pick requires the right circumstances(Something that applies to the rest of the cast) they just can’t deal with it.

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I’ll break out the popcorn!

Not even 1% of the OW playerbase actually uses the OW Forum to begin with. And that’s where most, if not all, of the Mercy complaining appears. You hardly ever see it on Reddit/other Social Media, if at all.


Seriously. The amount of time “Mercy Mains” spend trolling the forum about Mercy, they would be better spending it playing Mercy in the actual game and getting her stats up. But I guess trolling is better than playing their “favorite character” :man_shrugging:

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I feel like the devs tried to push Mercy into her own category.

Main healers: Ana, Moira
Off-Healers: Zen, Lucio, Brig
Pocket Healers: Mercy

I also feel like a 3 support meta would be pretty good with a main healer, an off-healer and a pocket healer. Imagine Winston, Genji, Tracer, Zen, Moira and Mercy. The Mercy doesn’t necessarily worry about heals but just jumps from target to target amplifying whoever is popping off. Valk makes even more sense because she sort of pockets the whole team. She’s always been a pocket healer, but a main healer first and foremost. Now she’s just that pocket healer. I wouldn’t mind this category if we got more of these amplifying pocket heroes. You just gotta look at Mercy in a different way. Sure she’s not great as a main healer, but she excels in pocketing a single hero, and it works pretty damn well. Mix that along with a good comp and things could go very smoothly.

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