Bring back team rez mercy or delete her shes useless

mercy needs team rez back there is only 5% of people that plays mercy after the rework




Resurrect can never be a properly balanced ability since it’s the only ability in the game that affects players who have died.

Here’s a long post that I wrote detailing why I think that Mercy is the worst healer in the game right now and what they can do to fix her. It primarily involves replacing her Resurrect ability with a brand new ability.

You know, if you made a constructive thread explaining why. I’d listen to you. But since you just want to moan without any reasoning, I am going to choose not to listen to you.


I am one of those 5%! I also run the Mercy fanclub and have a ridiculous amount of Mercy memorabilia, and I can assure you we will keep playing Mercy until Overwatch dies of old age.


Jeez. Must be 5% rounded down. There’s a lot of people who still like her. Myself included.

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Your opinion doesn’t count though :wink:

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The cream of internet artists love Mercy. My fanclub thread has a top 500 player, Aranea, who brings us the best Mercy pics from around the internet. We luff her very much.

I wish I could buy the pro Mercy fanart and hang it all on my wall, but sadly that’s not possible with fanartists using Bliz’s IP. If it was, I woulnd’t have room left on my walls.

No, somehow it never does. But hey, at least I can shake off that Mercy main stigma though.


This is our chance. Bite the bait developers. Please, i know i always ask you to not listen to us and ignore us, but now, more than ever, we have an opportunity to make Overwatch great again.

Remove Mercy. Blame it on OP. Enjoy a less stressful community for a month.

Do it devs, do it. WE BELIEVE IN YOU!

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It was balanced though. Why is it never mentioned that when Mercy could rez her whole team… she was considered bad? She was never a mustpick.

Everyone seems to forget that the only reason Rez became a problem or got any attention at all was because there was an SR exploit tied into her rez. People (Not Mercy mains) used the exploit to climb to a rank they didn’t belong. You gained a ton of SR and lost a tiny bit if you let your team die so you could get a big rez, regardless if it was helpful to win the game.

(This wouldn’t even be possible now since SR gains are capped in Diamond and above)

Dva gains extra SR for mech recalls. If a ton of people started to abuse this by purposely demeching and remeching all game… Would they fix the SR gains from it or would they rework her so she could only remech once? :thinking:

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I love playing as other healers. I’m great at Lúcio and also good at Ana.

So what’s the problem? Aren’t you overly joyous you don’t feel the need to play that boring hero every game to win like everyone else who isn’t an NPC on a quest to post non stop Mercy propaganda?

The problem is that there exists a hero in the game who is boring and practically no more useful than a mini health kit.

I’m ok with that, there’s plenty of other heroes. You outgrew her, time to move on. You think the hero is boring and presumably don’t want to play her because of this, but you want her changed into something she isn’t so you can play her, the most picked hero in the game? Where’s the logic.

Daily Revert Mercy thread. Everybody drink!

-This message brought to you by the unofficial Overwatch Forum drinking game


I don’t like that a hero whom I used to play as a lot is now borderline useless.

Even if I never played as Mercy, I would still want her to be balanced. That’s why I keep suggesting buffs for heroes like Orisa, Mei, and Bastion, despite the fact that I almost never play as those heroes.

About 5% of any given hero picked (on a team of 6) is Mercy. That means she is used in 30% of a team’s games, because math. She ranks 6th out of 28 in popularity. I’ll be waiting for you to create threads for the other 22 heroes that are less popular than Mercy.

The problem is that you’re borderline. Stop being so dramatic. Mercy is a fine pick, praise the Jeff no longer a must pick and Orisa and Mei are among the strongest heroes in the game that barely anyone plays (thank Jeff).