Bring back team rez mercy or delete her shes useless

The problem is that you’re borderline. Stop being so dramatic. Mercy is a fine pick, praise the Jeff no longer a must pick and Orisa and Mei are among the strongest heroes in the game that barely anyone plays (thank Jeff).

I don’t want Mercy to be a must-pick at all, but you’re wrong if you think that Mercy is in a good place.

Despite the fact that she is supposed to be a strong single-target healer who can outheal every other support hero, other support heroes can still outheal Mercy and have much better burst healing potential. Mercy is the worst healer in the game right now.

Maybe there is another one because it’s an extremely true statement that is impacting MANY players that are feeling more and more neglected and ignored and abused?

Usually when many people are saying the same thing for an extended period of time there is some validity in that claim.

She’s not supposed to outheal every other healer. Rez is too powerful, so she should needs to heal less to balance it out.

In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for “argument to the people”) is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition must be true because many or most people believe it, often concisely encapsulated as: “If many believe so, it is so.”


Yeah, and there is a whole feedback thread dedicated to this topic.

Looks like devs don’t care about the mercy feedback and think she is ok in their eyes.

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She IS fine in their eyes, and they are correct. That’s what they said the last time they commented on her, so I don’t know why that comes as a shock to so many people. They would comment more if they felt she needed work.

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I will admit, she was boring to play before, but she is even more boring now. But hide and rez was the lamest thing in the game and i am glad they got rid of it.

I’m fine with her being deleted at this point. Itll stop the nonstop “bring back mah mass rez” posts. Even though it has been made clear by the devs it’s not happening. I would love to see this part of the community removed entirely. Which is a shame. Because I really enjoy mercy.

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Please. Seriously, the first hashpoop i did in my whole life(And the only one) has been on this forum. Let’s get it “trending”.


Edit: I’ll even make a twitter account for myself. Let’s just do this. Let’s counter the spam.

They also don’t respond to many of the BFA criticisms made on World of Warcraft forums. That doesn’t suddenly mean that things are fine or good.

In fact, BFA has been rated as even less fun than Warlords of Draenor. And even has huge 12+ year veterans like Asmongold speaking out on it’s state.

Their silence does not mean game health. At all.


Or maybe. Just maybe! Try finding a solution? I know the constant Mercy threads arent very nice to see but you know there is a reason they come up. And no its not always the same people posting them. I know we have several active Mercy mains around but you can still see new people coming around with more or less the same complaints.

So maybe its time to accept the rework failed and we need a new one.

Dude. Don’t. Don’t even start.

The belief that Mercy is not okay it’s just derivating from the fact that you were playing something completely overpowered so, now that she’s in check, you feel a big difference and can’t deal with that. Well sweetie, we don’t care.

Switch if you feel like it’s not worth anymore or just keep playing her if you feel like you wanna do that. Just stop littering the board.


Or maybe people remember what she was like before the rework?

But nobody wants that OPAF thing back… What people want is the underpowered Mercy from before the rework. I certainly dont want valk at all in her kit anymore. That stuff made her unbalanced beyond belief and broke the game. I played less and less of Mercy after the rework because I never came to really like it at all even though she was a must-pick.

Already played other heroes but that wont fix my former main.

I dont really make threads but in no way you can tell others what to do or dont. So if you dont care dont click on the Mercy threads otherwise try being helpful because the Mercy issue keeps existing and people wont just go away because you want them to.

She is meant to outheal the other healers since she is the only pure healer.

  1. Don’t be stating something that is opinion as true. It might seem true to you, and maybe some others, but that is a matter of opinion, no matter which way you look at it. And don’t try to give me a main healer stats lecture. There’s more to things, especially balance, than just some stats.
  2. How big is the OW forum community, in terms of the full playerbase? Not even close to 1%. As of this post, the number of accounts that have logged into the OW Forums is 165,195. An extremely small number when you compare it to the over 40 million unique accounts that have played in total.

Note that I said unique accounts, not people. Even IF you were to take out over 50% of the accounts that have played OW (to factor for alternate accounts), you still would not even have 1% of the OW playerbase that participates in the OW forums.


I would like to point out that when she had mass Rez she wasn’t overpowered.

I think it’s all due to the Valk rework that is really making people think she was OP the entirety of the game.

She was at 50hps, but had to be bumped up because she couldn’t compete with Ana.

During Dive it was Lucio/Zen-Mercy only came an addition to Dive after her rework, because of how strong tempo rezzing was.

The rework in general failed since it’s nothing more than Alpha Valk, only now she has free flight and unlimited ammo. And Alpha Valk was scrapped because it wasn’t a good enough ability because of how little it does.

Yes, the reworked failed.

In fact she really shouldn’t have even been the first hero reworked. At that time Bastion, Reaper, and Ana were all in much worse spots then her.

Mercy’s weaknesses are that she lacks an AoE heal, and that she’s heavily team reliant. It’s that second part a lot of people tend to forget, and I’m sure the devs did too. Instead of keeping that need for Mercy to rely on her team to make her shine, as in to be more than just a pocket; the made it so the team needed to rely on her.

Mercy’s picks are currently only going good because the number of heroes she can effectively pocket has increased with Pharah and S76.

She’s nothing more than a pocket without anything rewarding for being such.

(Also also, since it seems EVERYONE seems to forget is that Mercy brought in a playerbase who doesn’t usually PLAY FPS games)

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Mass Rez is never coming back. Stop being delusional. It enforces a completely unhealthy mechanic.

Your main doesn’t need fixing. This is what you want to believe for the reason i stated above. And if the “fixing” is having Mass Rez back, i stated the reason why that’s not happening in this post.

Actually, i can. I can’t coerce anyone in not doing the threads they want to do, but i can complain. It’s called freedom of speech and it’s amazing.

Yeah. Turns out that now you need the right circumstances to pick her. Just like the biggest part of the cast, if not all of it. You are not special, you got spoiled. It’s about time you guys realize this.

The reward when you pick ANY hero that fits the composition or is needed it’s the VICTORY SCREEN.

Then adapt. It about time you do that. I’ve never seen a Medic complain on TF2 for pickin Medic on his own will. And i’m referring at when the medic didn’t have the fancy stuff he has now and was a pocket, just like Mercy.


Everyone seems to forget that the only reason Rez became a problem or got any attention at all was because there was an SR exploit tied into her rez. People (Not Mercy mains) used the exploit to climb to a rank they didn’t belong. You gained a ton of SR and only lost a tiny bit if you let your team die so you could get a big rez, regardless if it was helpful to win the game.

(This wouldn’t even be possible now since SR gains are capped in Diamond and above)

Dva gains extra SR for mech recalls. If a ton of people started to abuse this by purposely demeching and remeching all game… Would they fix the SR gains from it or would they rework her so she could only remech once? :thinking:

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