Bring back Pink Mercy (Comedy Post)

I can assure you from my experience - I am involved in almost every Pink Mercy thread - that your assumption here is incorrect

People have stated many reasons why they like this skin

Unfortunately, the alleged “rareness” (aside: I dont see something with almost 900k instances as being anything remotely like “rare”. personally) is something that generally is only brought up by those who already own the skin, not those who want to buy it now

to the original poster of this thread: because Pink Mercy topics come under frequent and entirely unwarranted attacks, it is hard for many of us - myself included - to take any Pink Mercy thread in a non-serious (or to use your term, “comedic”) sense

we’ve seen a bit of that in this thread already, including someone who stated they dont want Mercy mains to get what they want. Ive never understood the anger/hate, but its always been there; and as such, comedy just isnt doable for many of us on this particular subject

I sadly didn’t play until Summer Games 2018 and as a Mercy main I’d adore the skins return for my collection but just the quality alone, however, i never understood the hype when she has better skins but ig that’s the definition of opinions. You brought up a fair point here! Crazy to think 900k were sold. Man I’d love another shot but probably won’t ever happen

you may be in for a big surprise

we’ve seen some hints of late that it may be coming back sooner rather than later

I thought it was tied to some license agreement with the BCRF?

Many people have stated as much, but to date, no proof of this has been offered

even if there is, this doesnt seem to be a barrier, as BCRF has stated - in writing, multiple times, and recently - that they’d love for the offer to return

“Don’t give me hope” -Hawkeye

But the hope is there, actually

Take a look at the posts for the past month or two in

Isn’t this post just some random copy/paste of a pink mercy fanatic

“Dont bring back a popular charity skin because mercy mains spoiled”




there are about 2300 posts in that thread right now

Some posts are better than others, as with any long thread

and CB isnt a fanatic by any stretch

I don’t understand what it has to do with the odds of Pink mercy comin back but if there’s a chance I’ll accept it lol

There are posts in that thread over the last couple of months that speak of recent indications that Blizzard is warming to the idea of a Pink Mercy return

If you want a basis for hope, I’d recommend reading

One thing that bothers me about this thread… is someone is going to mentally check this off as “omg another pink mercy thread” when no new thread was made by someone interested in the skin.


well, thats gonna happen regardless, old friend

some people are utterly convinced that there is a new Pink Mercy thread created every day, regardless of the truth

(which right now is…we went 12 days between creation of Pink Mercy threads)



for future references, Pink Mercy sold about 847k copies instead of 900k because of the math and what the developers stated before.

12.7 million dollars were raised for the donation, and the skin costed $15. thus, if we do simple multiplication of 15 x 847,000 it equals 12,705,000 which is a little higher than 12.7m but it’s still about the same. but if we do 15 x 900,000 it equals 13,500,000 which isn’t that close to 12.7m

whenever I mention this figure, I state it as an approximation, not as an exact figure

That said, feel free to “correct” my approximation each and every time I post it

don’t worry dodo that’s why i said for future references, i was telling you the actual approximate estimation just incase someone uses your “900k copies” instead of 847k, against you, for “not using right information thus your opinion is invalid”

you know these forums well i’m sure lol

as I said, feel free to “correct” my approximation as often as you like

The skin really kind of sucks to be honest. It’s low resolution on the textures and it’s not particularly amazing compared to the new skins. It’s just rare so using it is a flex.