Bring back Mercy 1.0

Okay, this is getting way out of hand, First it started with a complete rework, Then it just evolved into a nerf spree in hopes of appeasing those who can’t seem to deal with her. Sure when I complain that Genji is overpowered I’m told to ‘get gud’, but when people complain that they can’t deal with an enemy mercy she’s suddenly nerfed to the ground and proceeded to be torn limb from limb in an attempt to render her helpless for the DPS mains to devour slowly . I’m honestly starting to believe that the rework was only made to give Blizzard a reason to nerf her, It’s seems quite logical If you pin together the key points. To add insult to injury, they still don’t seem to be done with beating her with a baseball bat, with the most recent patch note stating a new nerf for her, I’m beginning to wonder if they might as well just bring back Mercy 1.0, unless of course they’re trying to appease the DPS mains, which is kind of what they’ve been doing lately, especially with no DPS nerfs in sight.

Seriously, get your head out of the gutter Blizzard and fix her, What part of that don’t you understand?


113 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018