Bring back mass rez

Sorry got the dates on season 5 and 6 wrong, it was ow seasons 4 and 5 i was talking about. Doomfist was introduced the second half of season 5.
I provided some data, which should explain itself.

Also the graph shows how Mercy was Nr1 support not for 80-90% of the community like i mentioned before. However she was Nr1 for 95-99% of the community.

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Their ults can be stopped by stunning them or standing behind a barrier. Also, they didn’t wait until after the team fight to use their ult.

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Simple Fix for Mass Rez, Add all the effects that they imposed when it became an ability, Boom, Fixed.

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20 character limit

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I was going to answer then I realized you already have all the arguments why it’s a bad idea and you just don’t want to listen based on wrong counter arguments.
I’m left wondering what was the point of such topic in this case :man_shrugging:

I agree I’m a mercy main who joined overwatch after her nerf so I never got to use it but they hit mercy to hard before we know it mercy will be deleted so yeah. We need that old Rez back!

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I agree so much!
But watch how Blizzard won’t even acknowledge your post because they’re too stubborn to go back on their decisions to make the game better. We’ll keep getting these mediocre yearly events with worse and worse skins instead…

Indeed. We never know the Jeff is thinking. Maybe to deleted mercy. Who knows…

I hope they will revert her…

Yeah doubt Blizz will revert a hero they nerfed a year ago. What’s the point of all these posts if there is no observable change.

Are you sure it isn’t you who’s too stubborn to accept a decision could be correct and you could be wrong, just like a lot of mercy players on the forums? Just a thought.

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Mercy used to be great so what are you saying? They won’t even boost her ever she’ll just be nerfed after nerf till she is nerfed outta overwatch. She needs an asap boost…

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Is that your only argument, she used to be great? which is totally subjective.

Well she used to bring her whole team back is that not great? Now she owns an 30 second cool down with an ult that she can fly up visible to the enemy to the enemy team. So hm.

so why are you even playing Overwatch?

I meant if you read the rest of the thread youll see I already had this conversation with someone else and Talked out my issues with them stemming from the fact i was under stress and that I dont really think that

okay then i guess (?)

Im just tryna avoid conflict here. The fact is i dont agree with what i said and shouldnt have said it out of stress and annoyance. And thats the end of it

Mercy mains were strongly against this since this change would land Mercy in f tier.

What made Mercy too good was the invulnerability to attacks and stopping her from pulling off Mass Rez. You can easily tweak those to make it so she is stoppable people either wanna take Mass Rez with tweaking or they wanna take Valk with major improvements.